Dreams Only Last for a Night.

Chapter Seven.

I heard a loud alarming noise to my left. My eyes fluttered open and I sat up straight. Everything went all hazey and I couldn't see anything at first, so I rubbed my eyes with the back of my hands. When I took my hands away, I looked around to see that I was in my bedroom. My mouth hung open, as I stared around my little room. I looked down to see my normal pajama bottoms on, and my blue duvet around my ankles. I looked at the alarm clock, which was still ringing loudly, and hit the off button. It was 5.30am, and it was still dark outside. I checked the date. 9th of may. . that was. . last tuesday? At least, I thought it was? Then it hit me. . Had that all been a dream? It must have.. A nightmare more like it.
Still completely shocked, I sighed and lay back on my pillow. I closed my eyes again and lay there thinking of how odd a dream it had been. Then I heard a voice.. A voice screaming. It said, "HURRY!"
It reminded me of something in my dream.. When the ghost thing had talked to me.. and said something about Alex.. that I had to hurry, before it was too late.. I shot up in my bed again.
"ALEX!" I yelled and jumped out of my bed. I jumped out of my pj's and pulled on my jeans, grabbed a random shirt off the floor and threw on the closest pair of shoes. I ran down stairs, grabbed my car keys and sprinted out the door, not caring how much noise I made or if I woke anyone else up. I had to get to Alex.
I threw myself into my car and sped out of my drive way. I didn't exactly know the way to his house but I remembered from years ago when my mom would drop me over to his place. I turned down the second street on the left, and drove along the boulevard. I looked at all the street names as I drove by them, not recognizing any until I came across one that said St. James Street. That's it. That's definitely it.
I indicated left, and sped down the long street, looking for the house with Alex's car parked outside of it.. a red golf. I came to the end of the street and spotted the car. I looked at the house, and it looked quiet and still. Please god let me not be too late. I parked my car quickly, and ran up the drive. I banged on the door loudly, but no one answered. I had to get in. I kept knocking and knocking, and eventually I heard someone grumble "Coming, I'm coming.." I stopped, and fidgeted nervously until I heard the click of the handle being turned, and a short man in a blue robe appeared at the door.
"Hello?" He spoke with an English accent, which was surprising. I hadn't remember his dad as being English. I smiled as best I could and said,
"I need to see Alex please."
"You what? Do you have any idea what time it is son? He's probably still asleep.." He looked at me as if I had 50 heads, and I was getting edgy. If my dream was some kind of.. I don't know, message warning me that I had to help Alex.. then I had to see him right now.
"Sir, I know it's early, and I'm so sorry for disturbing you, but please let me see him, I will explain everything if you just...."
He sighed and with an impatient tone he said, "Fine, fine, come in."
I didn't even wait for him to move aside, I knew it was rude but he would thank me later. I rushed up the stairs and ran down the long hallway. Each of the doors where open, until I came to the one on the end which was shut. It had a small piece of paper at the foot of it. I bent down to pick it up and realized what it was. It was a suicide note to his parents. I felt my heart sink into my stomach. I pushed down on the handle and flung the door open. I stepped inside and there he was, laying on his bed. Fear and anxiety coursed through my veins as I got closer to the bed, spotting empty pill canisters sprawled on the bed around him. He lay still. Too still.
"HELP ME, SOMEONE HELP!" I cried out, and almost instantly in ran Alex's dad. I handed him the note and as he read it I saw tears fill in his eyes.
"Call an ambulance, quick!" He was barely able to speak but he handed me his phone. Good thing he did, I had forgotten mine in the rush over here. As I rang 999 and told them what had happened, he got Alex's mom and she came in and checked his breathing and his pulse. I saw her nod her head as I told the woman on the other end of the line the address but tears escaped from both of their eyes. I got off the phone and told them that the ambulance would be here as soon as possible. They nodded, speechless and just sat down beside their son, holding his hands.
I sat down on the chair by his desk and put my head in my hands. I kept thinking the worst thoughts. Like what if I was too late.. And what if the dream really becomes reality, except in this reality I'll never have a ghost of Alex .. I'll never get to tell him I'm sorry.. Never get to tell him that I.. No. I can't think like that. I have to be hopeful.
All we can do now is wait, and pray.
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i know i know, another cliffhanger. keeps things exciting though i guess! thanks to everyone for reading <3