Dreams Only Last for a Night.

Chapter Eight.

"Mom?" I spoke in a hushed tone outside the hospital room. Alex's dad had let me use his phone to call my mom coz she probably had no idea where I was as I'm usually there for breakfast.
"Jack honey, you've had me worried sick! Where are you?" she sounded angry but relieved at the same time. I probably should have left her a note or something.
"I'm at the hospital mom..No, No I'm fine, I'm here with a friend... you remember, Alex Gaskarth?.. Yeah.. Mom can I just explain it to you later?.. Yeah ok... Bye, love you too."
I hung up the phone and went back into the hospital bedroom. When I came in Alex's parents looked up at me and his mom gave me a kind, weak smile. I handed his dad back the phone and said thanks for letting me use it.
"So what did the doctors say?" I asked, he had just gone in while I had been on the phone.
"Well, it's not the worst news. He said the medicine intake completely messed up Alex's liver. He could pull through.. But he could have liver failure which would lead to a coma." his dad winced as he spoke, glancing at his son every few seconds. "The next couple of hours are crucial. If he doesn't wake up soon.. Well, let's just hope he does." he looked away from me and I saw the pain across his face. Please let him pull through.

For the next hour or so I sat inside the little room with Alex and his parents, sometimes talking, sometimes just sitting in silence. Not an awkward silence though. Just a tired, sad silence.
"How did you know to even come around in the first place Jack?" his mom looked over at me. Shit! I hadn't thought up an excuse on how I knew it was going to happen. Aw fuck fuck fuck! Say something jack, quickly she's getting suspicious.
"Well.. Um. . Alex had been saying how down he was feeling lately, and I got a text this morning at about 5am saying how he couldn't take it anymore and goodbye. . So I rushed over to yours as soon as I saw it..." ok, ok I know I lied. . Big time. But how could I have said 'Oh yeah, well see I bullied your son for years and then had a dream that he killed himself and it told me I had to come and save him,' so in this situation, the lie is appropriate.

A half an hour later they both stood up and said they were going to get some food quickly.
"You should probably get something as well, you want to come with us?" they asked as they were about to leave.
"Nah I'm ok, I'm not very hungry. Thank you though." they smiled and then left. Ok. Just me and barely-alive Alex left now. Time to talk.
I went and sat in the chair which his mom had previously been in, the one right beside his bed.
"Alex.." I began, talking quietly even though no one else was in the room. "it's me, Jack. Probably the last person you'd expect to be here huh? Um, I don't know if you can hear me.. But I just needa tell you something. I had this crazy, freaky dream about you last night. This is gonna sound crazy, but just bare with me ok?"
I told him the entire dream. All of it, except for the part where I told the ghost I was gay. I felt that should go as a separate matter..
"I've known something for a while now. I've tried to hide it and I hoped if I didnt act upon it, it would go away. But I know now that it won't. Alex, i think I'm gay. And I'm so sorry I made you suffer due to me being afraid of my feelings for the past four years. I just put you down because I think.. I think I like you Alex. I told you about the butterflies from my dream. I know it may seem really fucking weird to you but, I don't know.. If this isn't what liking someone feels like then I don't know what is." I was close to tears now. I could feel the little pricking feeling at the back of my eyes, and I knew in a second id probably be crying.
"If you ever wake up alex I'm gonna make it up to you.. I will. I promise. I'll never ever make you feel like that ever again." and then the tears just brimmed over my eyes and came rolling down my cheeks. "I'm just so sorry.. If you die, it's all my fault.." I whispered, and just sat there trying go calm myself down. I closed my eyes to steady myself, and suddenly I felt someone touching my hand, the one which rested on Alex's bed, by his side. Could it be...?
I opened my eyes to see Alex's hand placed softly over mine. I looked in amazement at Alex, and saw him looking right at me. His eyes sparkling with tears, and a tiny, weak smile on his face.
"Alex! Alex you're awake!" I beamed, taking a hold of his hand and holding it firmly in mine.
"I've been awake this whole time Jack." his voice was husky and very tiresome. "I wanted to wait till my parents left, I figured theyd get hungry and leave you here. I wanted to hear what you had to say."
"oh, you heard everything then?" my cheeks flushed and I could feel them got hot and red. Damn blushing.
"Yup." his weak smiled turned into more of a grin, but for some reason his eyes still were all twinkly as if they were wet with tears. "I forgive you Jack."
"You do?! But I.. I was so horrible."
"yeah, you were. I know how hard it is to be gay though. When I was coming out it was scary as shit, and people have different ways of dealing with things.. But Im not one for holding grudges, so I forgive you."
"Thank you Alex. I'm gonna make it up to you.. I promise."
"I'm not gonna object to that." he smiled at me and I grinned back.
"So... You like me huh?" he winked at me as I continued to blush even more.
"Well.. Maybe a little...." I looked away from his gaze shyly and he chuckled softly.
His parents re-entered the room just then, and I released my grip on Alex's soft hand.
"Alex! Honey your awake! Oh thank god!" cried his mom who ran to his bedside and was about to hug him but hesitated due to all the wires and machines he was hooked up to and decided to take his hand instead. "Oh alex." she was crying now, happy tears though. His dad stood their beaming, waiting for his turn to greet his now awake son. I thought I should let them have a family moment so I said,
"I'll go get the doctor."
As I walked out the door, Alex's dad followed me out and patted me on the back.
"Jack, I haven't properly thanked you yet. You saved his life you know. He wouldn't have made it if we had found him any later. Thank you. Thank you for everything." I don't even know why but this brought me close to tears, and he noticed. I didn't wanna start crying in front of the man, so I just nodded and smiled as best I could and he patted me on the back once more and then went back inside.
I took a deep breath and told myself to man up. No more crying. But you did it jack. You fucking saved him. Me. That would have been calling him a faggot or a cock sucker or "Nancy" just like any other day. Me, the one that made him do this in the first place. I mean it's a mix between guilt and relief but I guess their tears of happiness, and those kind of tears are ok.
Oh just thank fuck he's alive.
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This isn't the last one just to let you know, their will be more after this :)
Hope you enjoyed this one!