Dreams Only Last for a Night.

Chapter Nine.

"Come in." I called from my bed when I heard the three knock's on my door. As soon as Jack opened the door I smiled. I felt the butterflies in my stomach go crazy. I seem to always feel like that when I see him now a days. He grinned and spoke as he closed the door behind him.
"Heya Lex. How you feelin'?" He walked over to my bed and I moved over to allow him to lie down beside me, our normal routine whenever he visited me for the past two weeks.
"Better, thanks. How was school?"
He let out a long sigh and lay his head back on the pillow next to mine. Then looked at me as he said, "Shitty, as usual. When are you gonna hurry up and be OK already? School will be much easier to go through when you're back.." He gave me a small smile and I grinned.
"Soon. Next Monday the doctor thinks. You're just gonna have to hang on till then Jacky."
He grinned back at me then. Then went all red and couldn't look me in the eyes.
"Um.. Alex.. I was uh.. I wanted to ask you something."
"Sure. Ask away.." I could tell he was nervous so I put my hand over his, comforting him, telling him to continue.
"Well.. I was wondering, when you're you know, feeling better and everything.. would you maybe.. wanna go out on a date with me?" He looked up from avoiding my gaze and looked right into my eyes. My heart felt like it was gonna burst right out of my chest and I had to swallow my excitement before I could answer him.
"Yeah Jack..I'd really like that." I smiled shyly at him and he took my hand properly, his fingers intertwining with mine, and simply said, good.
There was a slight pause for a few seconds, and then slowly I found myself leaning in towards him, looking him right in his eyes, moving so slowly towards his lips. He was leaning in as well, he wanted this too. We were so close I could feel his warm breath on my lips..
"Alex, I brought you some.. Oh!" I heard my mom's startled voice from the door. Fucking great timing mom. Jack quickly moved back and looked up at my mom, his cheeks the brightest shade of crimson I've ever seen. I grinned, and slowly moved back to my normal position, sighing and looking at my mom. She knows I'm gay anyways, so it didn't really matter to me. I could see why Jack was embarrassed though. I'm the only one that knows he's gay. . Well, if you don't count his suspecting ex- girlfriend.
"Sorry Alex, I didn't realize.. um.." she looked embarrassed herself. I smiled at her though, and said,
"It's okay mom. What were you gonna say?"
"Alex, I better get going. I'll um, talk to you later?" He moved off of the bed and looked at me.
"Ok, talk to you later." I grinned at him and winked quickly. He gave me a stern look, but then grinned cheekily before heading out of the door past my mom. "Bye Mrs. Gaskarth." He said as he left.
"Bye Jack." She said kindly, then looked at me with raised eyebrows.
I just shrugged.
I wish Jack didn't have to leave. I miss him already.

* * * * *

"Well, this place has gotten good reviews, so hopefully it's good." Jack had said as we sat down in a little booth in a new restaurant just outside of town called Pizza Bar.
The waitress came over and handed us the menus as she said, being extra friendly,
"Welcome to Pizza Bar guys! I'll give you a few minutes to look over the menu, alright?" I smiled politely and said "Thank you." and she walked off.
She came back shortly after and we ordered our food, two large pizza's, mine with just cheese and Jack's with green peppers and pepperoni.
After 20 minutes our food came, and I have to admit I was absolutely stuffed after eating just half of my pizza.
"Don't tell me you're one of these guys whose obsessed with their weight and what the eat are you?" Jack said playfully. I shook my head and laughed,
"Are you kidding? I eat like a pig normally. I'm a real chubbster you know, you just must have been too busy taking in my extreme good looks to notice it.."
"Lex, you are not chubby okay....You're just fat.." He grinned and waited a minute before adding, "Just kidding. You're perfect how you are Alex."
I smiled. He's really the perfect one here though. His black hair was gelled to perfection, not over the top, but.. just right. He was wearing a pair of dark jeans and a black t-shirt which had white little designs on it which I couldn't quite make out, as he was wearing a hoodie over it. His face seemed so.. flawless. His deep brown eyes were all twinkly. He was just.. perfect.
"I'm really not Jacky.. but thank you.. I see that-" I stopped mid sentence as I spotted someone walking through the door. Fuck. I looked down in frustration and Jack instantly noticed something was up.
"Alex, what is it?" He put down the slice of pizza which he was about to dig into and touched my arm.
"Eric's here.." I spoke through gritted teeth. I really did not want to see him hear. Not now. Not with Jack.
"Eric? Eric who?" He looked up from me and looked towards the door. "You mean the douche in the shorts and the sandals?"
"Yeah, him."
"What's so wrong with-" He was cut short with a loud bang on the table. It was a hand. Guessing it belonged to Eric's.
"Well, well, well! Would you look who it is! Alex fuckin' Gaskarth." I heard his booming voice above me. I looked up and narrowed my eyes.
"Eric.." I said as unfriendly sounding as I could.
"How's my lil' faggot?" I didn't reply, and I felt Jack's grip tighten on my arm. Eric then noticed Jack, and laughed. "And whose this? You're little bum-buddy? Hiya fag!" People began looking around at us then, and all his friends who were standing behind him laughed.
"Don't talk to him like that." I spoke, but he continued to hassle Jack. I looked at him, and saw how upset he was getting. He wasn't used to this. Me? I've had over 8 years of bullying off this guy. Eric Samuels. Ten times worse than Jack was to me. He was the reason I moved schools. But there was no getting away from him.. This is a small town. Too fucking small.
"Shut up you butt pirate, I wasn't talking to you. Nice hair for a gay dude. You must be the more masculine of the relationship huh?" He was still talking to Jack. It was really pissing me off now. "Bet Alex is the pussy. He'd probably take it up the ass, am I right?" He laughed loudly and Jack just looked down. "Or is that you? Do you take it up the ass, you little faggot."
"Seriously, Eric just piss off." I heard myself say.
"No one likes a gay you know. You could really do so much better than this little fuck face here," He was pointing at me. "Then again, you'd probably take what you can get huh? That's what most fags are like. Can't get it anywhere else so they'll take any ugly fucker they can get. That's clearly what Alex has done."
That was it. I shot up, fists clenched, feeling the anger build up inside of me. I threw my arm and my fist came in direct contact with his nose, a strong hit right in between his eyes. My knuckles were actually a bit sore after the clash but I didn't show it. I stood there with my clenched fists by my side, raging with anger, watching him fall back onto the ground directly at his friends' feet. He was in complete shock, just lying there with his hands clutching his bleeding nose.
"I told you to shut up Eric, you fuckin' asshole." I said as I stepped out of the booth, opening my wallet and placing a 50 dollar bill on the table before saying, "Come on Jack." kindly and walking away, saying to the shocked waitress as I passed by, "I left 50 dollars on the table. The extra tip is for what happened over there. Sorry about that.." She just nodded, her mouth still hanging open. Everyone was looking at me as I walked by, but I didn't care. That asshole deserved it.

"I can't believe that just happened." Jack laughed as we strolled by the large, moonlit lake. After we had left the restaurant, we saw that their was a park across the road from it, with a large lake in the middle. It looked pretty with the moon shining on it, and I needed a bit of a breather after that whole episode. So now we're just walking and talking, like as if we had been two best friends forever.
"I know.. I feel so bad that I did it.. Actually no, you know what I don't. I'm usually not one for violence, but no way was he gonna get away with talking to you like that. Whatever about treating me like that.. but you? No."
"Well thank you Alex. You were so good to stand up for me like that."
"Anytime dude." I grinned at him and he grinned back.
"Has that guy always been like that to you..?"
"Yeah, pretty much. But he's always bullied me. Like way before I came out, back in elementary school, he was always just picking on me for no reason.. Putting me down. I'm used to it though.." I sighed, but happily, knowing that I don't really have to deal with it anymore.
"Alex... If I ever made you feel that awful.. Like if I ever treated you anyway near that bad.. I am so, so sorry. I know how it feels now and i just.. I can't even believe I made someone feel like that. I just.." We came to a small black bench facing the water, and I sat, Jack doing the same.
"Eric was ten times worse than you were to me Jack, don't worry. It's all in the past anyways, I've clearly moved on." I chuckled briefly and continued, "so you shouldn't feel bad about it anymore as well."
"I know I just can't help feeling so bad.." I saw tears in his eyes, and so I took his hand, his fingers fitting perfectly into mine.
"Shhh, Jack it's okay, really." I spoke in a hushed tone, One tear fell from his eyes and it kind of hurt me inside to see him cry. I raised my free hand to his face and wiped away the tear from his cheek. He looked at me then, and I saw the sadness on his face.
"Hey, hey Jack, don't cry on me bro.. Do you really think I'd be here with you if I was still holding that grudge?"
He shook his head softly and I smiled kindly,
"No, I wouldn't be here. And you know why else I'm here Jay?"
"Why.." He whispered softly.
"Because I like you. I mean, I really like you. You make me feel different than any other guy has before. . Okay, I have hardly been in many relationships, but still." I leaned in a little closer to him, my hand resting against his cheek, my thumb slowly rubbing back and forth across his jaw bone. "You Jack, have made me happier in these past few weeks then I have been in years." I whispered. "And I know it may be scary for you, being new to this kind of thing. But I know that you feel the same thing as me. I know that there is something.." I couldn't finish my sentence, I just forgot my train of though completely, and all I could do was look into his big, brown eyes.
I felt myself leaning in even more, and I noticed he was doing the same. Suddenly, my lips were on his. I kissed him softly, and after a second or two I felt him kiss me back. The kiss become stronger, and I felt our lips start to move against each others. With one of his hands still intertwined with mine, his free hand moved to my hip. I decided to take it a bit further, and opened my mouth a little, just testing to see how he'd react. He was new to this. Not kissing obviously, but you know.. guy kissing. It was probably a little weird for him. But he seemed to be reacting just fine. I slipped my tongue out a little bit, and ran it along the line of his bottom lip. He instantly reacted by opening his mouth and touching his tongue off mine. Our initial gentle kiss became more of a making out kiss by now, and I removed my hand from his cheek and placed it on his shoulder, pulling him in a little closer to me. His grip tightened on my waist, and I smiled through the kiss. I could feel him smile back, and then I decided to pull away. I pressed my forehead against his, with my eyes still closed, and my breathing a little rough.
"You know what Lex?" He said quietly, sounding like his old happy self again.
"What Jay?"
"You're one hell of a kisser."
I chuckled. "Not so bad yourself Barakat.. Not so bad.."
♠ ♠ ♠
this chapter was kind of.. i dunno, i didn't really know what to write so i just made it up as i went! i don't really like it to be honest.. hopefully you guys do.
let me know what you think? <3