Dear Ms. Leading


I stay home for days. I call in every morning to work saying that I have gotten sicker, and sicker. Every day it was a new lie just so I would not have to leave my house. No matter who called, texted or even came to my door I refused to answer. I wanted to stay alone, and to be honest die. I sit in the middle of my bed with my phone in my hand. I want to call Rob and talk to him but I refuse to and then when I see him call throw my phone away from me. This is the longest I have been away from Tori in a long time. Its weird not being with her but I feel like no one should have to deal with me.

Roxy scratches at my door making me have to get out of bed and go to her. "Want to go for a walk, puppy?" I ask her softly. She wiggles her butt and barks at me. Miko runs up the stairs and jumps into my arms. My guess is he wants to go along on the walk.

I walk down stairs with Miko in my arms and Roxy following close behind. I grab both there leashes and head for the door. I lock my house up tight and head for down the street. I allow Roxy to pull me along. Miko tries to get off of the leash but nothing he does works. I hear my name being called and turn to see who it is. Andy is jogging toward me. I pull my pets' leashes toward me and then run in the direction of Andy but not to go to him but to run back to my house.

I run all the way back and hear him running after me. "Kai, please talk to me. Why will you not answer anyone?" he yells after me. As far as I know, he didn't know about the fight I had with Rob. I think its better off that way and better off he just stays away from me. I reach my door and fumble with my keys but when I put them in the knob the door opens. My body freezes. "Kai?" Andy places his hand on my shoulder.

"Shh," I tell him and a bend down to get the leashes off of Roxy and Miko. They run into the house and I look back at Andy. I know that I locked my door before I left. "Go home Andy. Just go home and forget about me," I tell him and my lips quiver. He looks at me worried and then walks past me into my house. I follow him in and look around. Everything is in place.

Andy heads toward the kitchen and I go after him so I can get him to leave. A hand goes over my mouth and an arm around my waist. I squirm to get free and see Andy turn around. His eyes widen and he tries to get to me but gets punched it the face by the man from the red carpet. I scream into the hand over my mouth. I panic and lick the person's hand. The hand drops and I manage to get away from the person. I look at them to see its Kevin. Arms go around my waist again but they aren't his. "Kevin, please leave me alone. Get out of my house," I bite my lip hard.

He walks toward me with a smile and then forces a cloth over my mouth. I feel my eyes roll back and I am out in seconds.

**later on**

I wake up and try to move my arms but there seems to be something on my wrists. I open my eyes to see my wrists are tied to a bed and my legs are tied together. A clothe is also tied around my mouth. Only a tank top and my boyshorts are on me. I scream even though I know it will do nothing. I know the room I am in too way. I try my hardest to brace my wrists free but there is no hope.

The door of the room opens and Kevin walks in. He comes over to me and sits on the edge of the bed. "I told you that you should have never left me. I would have never hurt you," he says rubbing his hands together. He smiles at me then takes the clothe off of my mouth.

"Its been years, Kevin. I already had a boyfriend when I was seeing you. Please just let me go," somehow I am strong enough to force all of my tears away and not shed one at all. He just laughs at me snaps his figures. The man from the red carpet comes into the room with Andy. He has Andy's hands tied together behind his back and a clothe over his mouth like I had. He is also shirtless. "Andy," I mumble. he looks at me afraid. His nose looks broken and his lip cut up.

Kevin places his hand on my bare thigh. I keep my eyes on Andy. I throw my hand back and then look back at him. He looks at me confused. I do it again and his lips twitch. Kevin looks at me with a confused facial expression. I kick my legs up and get him in the face. It knocks him out and I look at Andy. "DO IT!" I yell at him and he throws his head back into the guys face making him fall to the ground.

Andy bends down and brings his arms under his legs so they are in the front of him now. He comes to my side and with his hands still tied together unties my hands from the bed. I help him get himself untied and then the clothe off of his mouth. He unties my ankles from each other and hugs me tightly. "Please just get me out of here," he nods and picks me up like a baby and carries me out of the room. "Wait. Shut the door and lock it. I know it locks from the outside," I tell him.

Andy sets me down and does exactly what I told him to. He then grabs my hand and pulls me away from the room. As he pulls me past the kitchen I make him stop and get to the phone. I call Rob since he, besides Tori, is the only number I know off the top of my head. "Rob, its Kaitlin. Please don't hang up. Andy and I got kidnapped by Kevin. Please help us. Please Rob," I cry into the phone.

"Where are you?" I hear him stand up. "Are you alright?" I hear a door slam shut and him walk and then another door slam shut. "Kai, give me a place to pick you up," he says.

"Andy and I are going to walk down to the gas station on Rt. 2. The Hess one. Get us there and bring me a sweatshirt or something please," I hang up and look at Andy. He holds out his hand and I take it. We walk down the street. I am cold and feel awkward in dressed near to nothing as weird as that maybe for me to say. Its different to walk the streets near naked than being on stage doing it as a job.

We sit down on a bench and Andy holds me close to him as my whole body shakes. "I need to tell you something," he mumbles rubbing my arm slowly. I lift my head from his chest and look into his eyes. "They made me do things and recorded it. I tried to fight it but they both just knocked me out. Kevin did things to. I'm sorry I couldn't stop it," his voice shakes with every word.

"You barely know me and I have already fucked up your life," I murmur.

"Don't say that. Its not your fault I wasn't strong enough to fight them both off. Everything will be alright. I'll make sure that you are awesome safe. We will get those two in jail," He pulls me closer to him. I rest my head back on his chest and close my eyes. I her foot steps approach.

"Kaitlin Nicole," I look up and see Rob. He holds out his sweatshirt to me. I stand up and take it to put it on. "Lets go," he is staying calm and its freaking me out. I let Andy sit in the passenger seat and I sit in the back. I press my forehead to the class and close my eyes. I need help.