the Reveal

The Blood And Scars

I had been cutting for Some time now. It was beginning to become a habit, an addiction. There was no stoping me now, no matter how many doctors or couselers I saw. If you were to ask me I would tell you that every time someone asked about my cutting or told me to stop, I would cutt again that night.
It had all started when I decided that I was really in love with him, the only problem was we had been best friends since we were little. When he started dating my friends I couldn't take it any longer. At first I would just dig holes in the bottoms of my feet with pushpins and nail clippers. They would never bleed and it only hurt if I walked on it the next morning.
As things got worse between us I started cutting on my legs with my razor, making it look like an accident. At this point I just wanted you to be happy. You were dating every girl except for me, the one who would actualy care about you and not break you heart. I could have helped you, you had fallen in love with every girl but the one who was there to catch you.
As time went on things got better between us and the cutting stopped, but not for long. I finally decided to step up and ask you out, and it worked! You said yes and we were both happy for once. The only problem was the jelous ex-girlfriends of yours. Rumors started and after only a week we were back to being just friends and i was back to cutting again. This time I was cutting on my wrists with pushpins. Slowly poking the small point under the top layer of skin I would bring the pin up out of my wrist and continue making lines until all the small flaps of broken skin were covered in crimson blood.
Everything just continued escalating until it became a daily activity, sometimes cutting multiple times a day. when he saw the scars it just got worse. I was scolded by my best friend and taken to the counselors to make sure i was ok. Why can't people believe me and mind their own business?
This blood was like the pain and frustration, depression and anger slowly flowing out of my body throughout the wounds covering my arms and legs, leaving scars to show how hard life can get.
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This is all completely true.