the Reveal

Hardships at home

For most teens school and sports is a bit stressful, but when put in a house of people who don't understand you and only know how to yell at you, stress is an understatement.
Everyday I wake up to the screaming of my alarm clock, a puppy crying to go outside, a brother banging on the walls, a mother yelling to get up and get ready and a father still asleep doing nothing to help, as usual. When I come home I have to give my puppy some love and watch my brother, who is really old enough he could be home by himself but whatever. Not only is my brother annoying but he is abusive. I have to go through daily beating just to get dinner or watch some tv. He is constantly hitting, punching, kicking and not jus with his hands and feet but with hard plastic or metal items. Instead of being a normal 11 year old boy who shots his sister with his nerf guns, he hits me over the head with them, making me bruise, bleed and cry until I can't take it any more but as soon as I fight back I get in trouble for hitting him.
Most 14 year olds have arguments with her parents but most don't get to the point where they no longer talk to their father. It started when I started going through tests for bipolar disorder, my father took the mania as a cry for attention and the depression as pouting, but it was much much more. Most of my appointments were at least an hour away and some were up to 4 hours away. My mom has to take me to all of them, sometimes more than one a week. If I can go without an appointment for a week it is a miracle. Not only do I have appointment after appointment there are so many medications they put me on. When they put you on a medicine that is supposed to stop depression you aren't supposed to go into a deep depression, but that's exactly was has happened to me. At this point I would love to be manic again.