Status: first ever fiction is up! please comment and subscribe! you can post suggestions too! :D

Taking Risks


“I...I’m sorry.” That was all he said when we pulled apart.

Since I still could feel his lips on mine, I feel like I still couldn’t talk.

“Oh bloody hell. Please don’t hate me.”

“I...I don’t.” I slightly smiled, “I’m just shocked.”

“Me either.” He sighed.

When the song ended, he looked at me and smiled, “I’ll see you in school, Andrea.”

“See you.” I smiled back and walked away.


They...kissed. I feel like my walls are trembling down. Could there be - by any chance - a hole just eat me alive? It all felt like everything stopped and they were there, kissing. THEY JUST MET! There should be some mistake. Hell, please tell me I’m just having a nightmare.
She walked towards me and tapped my shoulder. “Hey. You look pale. Are you all right?”

I cleared my throat, and said in the most decent voice I could ever speak, “I’m fine.”

“Have you...seen...that?” She bit her lip.

I slowly nodded.

“Please...don’t tell that to dad.” She sighed loudly. “He’ll kill me.”

“Of course I won’t.” I paused. “I don’t want you to get into trouble.”

She smiled, “Thank you.”

We went back home in silence. I don’t know. I just...I’m out of my mind, I know. I dropped her off in front of her house, said good night to her parents and left. This is definitely the worst nightmare I ever had. Ever. This should be the night I would tell her I love her, but guess what...she ended up kissing some popular good looking guy. Who - might I add - is the prince charming of all the girls in school. I’m no match to him.

In conclusion, I should just hide this admiration or whatever to Andie. I certainly have no chance anymore since Mr. Prince Charming is in the picture already. Dammit.


I stared at the ceiling, still thinking of that kiss. I know it was accidental, but I don’t care. His lips felt so soft. Crap I can’t believe I’ll say this, but I think I’m looking forward to school on Monday. I can’t wait to see and talk to him. He’s just so gentlemanly, sweet, nice and everything. Holy crap. Kill me now.

I prayed for Monday to arrive as fast as it could, and it did. I stood in front of my locker collecting my books for the next few periods. His green eyes still haunts me in my dreams. Well, it’s not really that haunting. I think I kind of liked it. Damn me.

“Andrea.” His voice just made my day complete.

I turned around and smiled at him. “Hey.”

“How are you?” he leaned on the locker next to mine.

“I’ve been great, thanks. You?”

“Same here.” He smiled.


He put his hand at the back of his neck. “So I’ve been thinking about this lately...” He paused,
“do you have anything to do tomorrow?”

I looked at him, “As far as I know, I have nothing to do tomorrow. Why?”

“Well, if you want, we could go...somewhere.” He blushed. Awwww. He looks so cute when his face is slightly reddish.

“Sure. I’d like that.” YOU COULD KILL ME NOW. Am I dreaming? Wait; is this some kind of a joke?

“Great. I’ll see you tomorrow. After classes?” He smiled once more.

I nodded, “Sure. See you.”

When he left, I ran (as fast as I can) to Taylor. I want to tell him the biggest news ever! It wasn’t really hard to find him since he’s always in the Music Room ever break. He was always there playing the piano.

When I entered, I sighed as loud as I can. “You’ll never guess what happened.”

“Mr. Fritz died?” He smiled.

“No, silly!” I grinned. “David asked me out!”

“What?” He stood up.


“Yeah, yeah I heard that. YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW EACH OTHER!” He exclaimed.

“Yeah, I know, but--”

“There’s not ‘buts’ to it, Andie! Are you crazy?” He cut me off.

“What’s wrong with you?” I walked towards him.

“There’s nothing wrong with me. How about you ask yourself that one?” He shook his head. “You know what?” He groaned. “Whatever.”

“What the hell, Taylor. What the hell.” I said

“You two just met last Friday, Andie! Think about that!”

“I would like it more if you’ll be indifferent about this, but you’re not.” I scowled at him.

“Yeah. Guess what? It’s my business as well. Your dad told me to take care of you.”

Taylor and I usually fight and all, but never like this. Why did he become too protective of me all of a sudden? Not cool. Instead of talking back, if walked out.


This isn’t right. Yes, I’m jealous, but who would date someone you just met 48 hours ago? That’s just BS. No. It’s one thing we call stupidity. Why would she date him? Just because he’s nice and good looking? What the hell?

I never tried to look for her that day. Since we just had an argument, I’m quite sure she won’t talk to me for a few days. Screw David. If he didn’t showed up, we will never be like this. Because of him, me and Andie are fighting. We were never like this.

The bad part about this was, David and I have Biology together. He was sitting behind me, so there are times where I could overhear them. And just my luck, they were talking about Andie.

“So what are your plans?” Patrick, his lab partner, asked

“Well, I want to take her to the cinema and watch some movies.” David paused, “then we’ll go eat somewhere. You know, like a usual date.”

“So you really got the hots for her?” Patrick chuckled.

“I guess I do. I mean, there was some connection between the two of us at the dance.”
Connection, huh? How about my fist makes some connection to your face? Would that be great? Asshole. If I could, I’ll shoot you now.

“You sure about that?” Quit asking him, Patrick. Damn you, too.

“Yeah. She’s such an amazing girl. She’s so sweet and interesting.” Calm down. I should get some anger management therapy after this one.

“Wow. Mr. Loverboy’s in love with Andrea Fletcher.” Patrick teased.
♠ ♠ ♠
This whole thing gets cheesier and cheesier eh? errm. I'll try my best to make it less cheesy.
PROMISE! oh by the way, comments wouldn't kill you, so please.. please comment! oh, and subscribe, maybe? thank you! :)