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Love Only Knows


We had to wake up by four in the morning the next day. I wanted to stay in the hotel so Evelyn would have a comfortable night’s sleep, but we had to unfortunately go. As the guys and I stuffed our stuff into the trailer of our van, Evelyn walked over.

“Kenny?” She yawned. Kennedy stopped what he was doing and stared at her. “I’m sorry about what I said.”

“I should be the one apologizing. I’m really sorry.” Kennedy answered.

“You don’t hate me, right?” She asked.

“Of course not. You’re my best friend. I could never hate you. ” Kennedy smiled and gave her a tight hug.

“Want to ride with us?” Max asked her.

“I don’t know if Jess and the guys need me.” She answered.

“Go with them!” Jess called over from their van.

“We all know you won’t get any sleep with the Gomez idiots’ snores.” Brian added.

“So it’s settled. You ride with us.” I smiled.

“Do I have no saying in my life anymore?” She chuckled.

“Not really.” Kennedy answered.

I climbed into the back of the van with Evelyn. We had set up a bunch of blankets and pillows and it was the most comfortable spot in the van. I lay back with her and wrapped my arms around her frame, pulling her closer. She managed to fall asleep again little after John drove the van into the streets.

“You better not screw up this time, Garrett.” I heard Jared say sleepily.

“We all lost a great friend because of your stupid decision.” Kennedy added.

“Geez, guys. Thanks for believing in me.” I answered.

“Just know I’ll kick your ass if you fuck up again.” Kennedy stated. He wasn’t playing. I ignored him and concentrated on Evelyn’s calm breathing. She hadn’t been able to sleep in a whole year because of me, and I was glad she was sleeping peacefully now.



Wow, was it hot. I could feel the blanket I lay on sticking to my face and body. I knew I was sleeping in The Maine’s van, but it was always cold, so why was it so hot now? I didn’t feel the van moving, either. I opened my eyes and sat up. I was alone in the van and we were parked in the bands’ parking for the next show. We had arrived to Virginia already? I checked my watch and it was about 10:30 in the morning. I grabbed my bag and keys and opened the back door of the van.

It wasn’t as hot outside, but the clear sky guaranteed no shade from clothes. Just the intense sun burning down on me. Perfect. I picked up my hair a messy bun and looked over the list for the day. My band played at four, signed at one, and then they had an interview at six. I found the bathroom and cleaned my face, brushed my teeth, and changed before looking for my band’s tent.

“Good morning, sunshine.” Stephen smiled when he spotted me.

“How’d you sleep?” Brian asked.

“Great.” I smiled.

“Hey, sleepy head.” I heard Kennedy say from their merch table, which was next to ours.

“Hi there, Mr. Needs to Shave His Mustache.” I raised an eyebrow. I walked around and sat on the chair behind his band’s merch table.

“Is it really that bad?” He asked.

“Of course not.” I assured him.

“How did you sleep?” Pat asked as he hid under the shade of the tent.

“It was pretty good.” I smiled. “Where are Garrett and the others by the way?”

“They’re changing.” Vito answered.

“Can you help me get the rest of the merch, Evelyn?” Jess called.

I left with her to our van. The sun burned through my shorts and low shoulder cut shirt. If it was this hot in Virginia, I didn’t want to imagine how hot it would be in Florida.

“I want you to be careful, Evelyn.” Jess said, snapping me back into reality.

“With what?” I asked, confused.

“Garrett. I don’t trust him. He broke your heart once, who knows if he’s changed.” She answered.

“I’m afraid. I feel as if I rushed him back into my heart.” I sighed.

“Just take things slow with him. Make sure this is what you want. Garrett’s our friend, but we don’t trust him and we’ll be right here for you like we always have.” Jess assured.

“Thank you.” I smiled, hugging her.

“What’s with all the hugging and can I get one?” I heard Garrett say from behind me. I turned as he reached us. I put on the best smile I could.

“I’ll see you guys later.” Jess winked, grabbing the box of merch and walking back to the tent.

“How’d you sleep?” Garrett asked.

“Good.” I said. “I woke up because it was way too hot.”

“I sat there with you most of the morning fanning you so you wouldn’t get hot, but we had to go do an interview.” He answered, twinning his fingers through mine and inching closer. “How do you feel?”

“Refreshed.” I smiled. “And thank you.”

His eyes closed as he inched his lips closer to mine. I turned my head and his lips met the corner of my mouth. He moved back and I stared into his eyes. They showed hurt and confusion.

“Garrett, I need time. I know I forgave you, but I don’t want to jump into anything. I want to make sure I can trust you.” I sighed.

“How can I prove to you that I’ll never hurt you again?” He asked.

“I truly don’t know, Garrett.” I answered, stroking the back of his hands with my thumbs.

“I’ll do anything to prove it to you that I love you and only you.” He stated.

“I love you, too,” I said, and he smiled. “But we need to give it time.”

“I understand. I’ll prove myself to you.” He was serious. I nodded with a smile and kissed his cheek. “I love you, Evee.” The way he whispered my nickname sent shivers down my spine. His lips met my forehead and stayed there for a while. I didn’t mind. I breathe in his sweet scent, and I almost told him to forget everything I said and kiss me right then, but I knew we needed time. I almost pulled him back to me when he stepped back and smiled before walking away.

I sighed as I watched him disappear into the tents. I turned and ran into Josh’s chest. Not my great buddy, Josh, but Josh Franceschi from You Me At Six.

“I hadn’t seen you around since Bamboozle.” He smiled. I loved his thick British accent since the first time I had met him.

“Sorry I haven’t gone over to say hi. I’ve been busy.” I said.

“Yeah, how could you not come say hello to your favorite British friend?” He pouted.

“You’re my only British friend besides the rest of your band.” I stated.

“But I’m your favorite from the band.” He smirked.

“I’m going to have to say Max is on the lead.” I said and his mouth fell open. “I’m kidding!” I laughed and ran into his welcoming arms.

“You better be kidding.” He chuckled and broke our hug to look at me. “How are you?”

“I’ve been better.” I shrugged.

“Where are your boys?” He asked.

“I’m not touring with them this time. I’m tour managing The Summer Set.” I answered.

“What happened?” He asked.

“Garrett and I had a rough break up.” I sighed.

“You were just talking to him, though.” He said.

“Yeah, he asked me to forgive him, but it’ll take time for me to trust him again.” I answered, giving him a smile.

“So, does this mean…” His word dragged on as he winked at me.

“We’re trying to work things out Josh.” I chuckled.

“But you guys aren’t anything official, are you?” He asked.

“Not really.” I shook my head.

“Would you come watch my band play today?” He smiled.

“I will.” I nodded before hugging him. I watched him walk away as thoughts ran through my mind.

Garrett and I weren’t anything. I had just forgiven him and then he had kissed me, but that’s all. I needed my time to know I could trust him again. I did love him, but still. I didn’t want to be heartbroken again. I did feel better than before. I felt as if a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I was happy to be able to forgive Garrett.

“Hey, tour manager.” I heard Brian say, snapping me back into reality. “If you stand there dumbfounded, I’m going to think you’ve been smoking without sharing.”

“Shut up, Dales. I just have a lot on my mind.” I punched him playfully.

“Did you talk to Garrett? He seemed a bit down.” Stephen said.

“Yeah, I told him I needed sometime. I need to make sure I can trust him again.” I explained.

“Couldn’t have said it better myself.” Stephen smiled, patting my hair.

“So what can we do until showtime?” Brian asked.

“Maybe John can find another stash.” Stephen answered.

“I’m going to hang with Kennedy for a bit.” I informed.

“See you later, babe.” Stephen winked and smacked my butt. I blushed and punched his arm before walking away.

I watched people rushing by me as music blasted from stages. The gates had opened about an hour ago and people were already going nuts. I spotted Kennedy and Pat taking pictures with some fans in their tent. I sighed as I sat on a camping chair under the comfortable shade of their tent.

“And where have you been?” Pat asked.

“Taking care of some stuff.” I answered.

“And by stuff you mean Garrett.” Kennedy lifted an eyebrow.

“Does everyone know?” I asked.

“You’re the only one that has the power to bring Garrett down.” Pat answered.

“I don’t want that power. I want him to be happy.” I shook my head.

“He’s only happy with you, E.” Kennedy stated. “He really does love you.”

“I love him too, but I need time.” I sighed.

“Understandable.” Pat smiled.

The rest of the day was filled with screaming fangirls as Max and I attempted to save our bands from being mobbed. We managed to end the day safely and I collapsed into the passenger’s seat of the band comfortably.

“You’re not riding with Kennedy and the guys today?” Josh asked as he started the van.

“Nope, you guys are my band and I need time away from Garrett.” I sighed, on the verge of sleep.

“Understandable.” Dylan chuckled.

“Everyone keeps saying that word.” I sighed, before completely blocking out the world.
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Sorry that it has taken me so long to update! Working on four stories is not the best idea. I hope ya'll enjoy it. I'll most likely update again tomorrow so stay tunned. :^)