
Phoenix is an Original Character I created for fanfics written by me and my friends for the anime Shaman King. She's sweet but hopelessly dumb with a history that makes no sense. She has the power of fire for reasons explained in some chapters, and is generally the clumsiest creation ever.
Here's a collection of stories about her and her life, mostly with the OCs of my friends, or just her alone, although sometimes I use characters from the series (in a totally un-canon way).
Anyway, if anything it's amusing to see how she bumbles through life with more than a little difficulty.
  1. Phoenix and the Bug
    A moment of madness in the house of Dynix. Classic Phoenix. Involves pretty much all the OCs of my friends.
  2. Phoenix and the Map
    Phoenix spends her day amusing herself by irritating Dynix when the others have gone on a shopping trip. Ending won't make sense unless you've read the Fall of Hodal.
  3. Phoenix and the Computer
    Phoenix helps Ren with his techno-phobia.