Status: Discontinued

I am Human and I Need to be Loved Just Like Every One Else Does

It Started Out With a Kiss

After we had been walking through different paths for about five minuets, I finally noticed he had kept his hand right between my shoulder blades from when he pushed me in the direction of were his ‘car’ was.

His hand felt warm and nice in the spot it was in, it was truly unsettling to me and how much my body was enjoying just the small gesture from him –I mean hell I’m only fifteen! Stop liking this body, stop it know!-, in which it could just be a friendly gesture. -You know it’s still unsettling though, no matter how I phrase it.-

“Here we are.” He said brightly and moved his hand away from me so he could point to the car; it was a really nice looking red mustang –sadly I’m not a car fanatic so I can’t give you the type of the model-, figures, he looks like a California beach boy, they all have to have really fast cars now don’t they.

He opened the cars door for me to get in on the passenger side, then proceeded to get in on the drivers side. ‘He’s still smiling’ I muttered inside my head.

“So” He said turning to me dragging the so out, “What’s your address kiddo?” He did not just call me ‘kiddo’, the nerve of some blonde beach boys!

“Umm, hold on lem’me think” I paused, while he gave me a skeptical look, which mind you it did kinda bother me but whatever. “It’s…. 11669 Parkway Ave., house number 13” I replied looking back up to him with a smile. I was still really thankful that he had decided to help me, because lets face it, I would have A) gotten rapped, B) gotten kidnapped and rapped.
“So kid” he asked, “You started a-lot of your sentences out with kid” I cut him off, just to be an ass, not trying to be rude.... just somewhat in a playful form?

“Yeah” he said chuckling “I guess I do, but anyway, what were you girls doing on the strip anyway, I mean you especially look so young?” He questioned

“Well we just kind of moved here, and our dad wanted us out of the house so he could set things up better.” I responded softly.

“Oh” he reasoned leaving out conversation open ended.

So we really just sat in silence for a few minuets, it was odd for me, though I don’t really know about Monte, he could have been perfectly comfortable with it for all I know.

“So Monte-” he cut me off, “Call my Bryan, that’s what my friends call me, sorry go on.” He apologized quickly with a sheepish smile. So were friends now? Cool.

“Bryan, why are you taking me home, you don’t even know me? I’m just a random annoying kid to you right” I asked piling on the questions with and eye brow raised, my head in his direction.

“Well you’re a you’re just a kid and no offense or anything but that was horrible of your sisters to leave you all alone, cause who know what could have happened right? And you seemed like a sweet kid so I’m not bothered by driving you.” He finished with a good natured smile to me.

“Gee thanks, you’re a sweet guy yourself” I said smiling back. His everlasting smile seemed to grow even more.

The rest of the ride home was just us sitting in silence only accompanied by the sounds of our breath.


Soon enough Bryan had pulled up to the curb next to my house.

Turning to him I said, “Bryan I can’t thank you enough for this, really I was scared someone was gonna hurt me or somethin’…” I dragged off realizing I was babbling.

“Your welcome kiddo, um I have a question?” He said looking a-tad-bit awkward.

“Yeah, shoot” I said cheerily smiling at pretty boy Bryan.

“Um, well um, do you have a phone?” He quickly jumbled out, adverting brown his eyes from mine.

Giggling slightly at the older boy’s man's silliness, “Yes I do, why?” I asked.

“Um, can I well… maybe, have your phone number?” It was his turn to babble, he looked so cute while he did it, though I shouldn’t have these kinds of thoughts about a man like what, six years older then me!

“Sure.” I murmured, “Can I see your phone real quick.” “Sure” he mumbled quietly digging his phone out of his pocket.

I found his contacts and put myself in under Alaura:}. “There” I said handing it back to him with a smirk, “It’s under Alaura, with a strange looking smiley face after it.”

“Thanks.” He said after tucking it back in his pocket, and before I could react reached over to peck my cheek leaving me blushing profusely.

Smiling at him one more time I got out of the car, but before I could shut it, he called out.

“Stay safe kiddo.” With a soft comforting smile, like it was all gonna be okay when it really wasn’t.


I waved to him as he drove away, my father not even taking notice as I walked into the door, my hand resting on my cheek where he had kissed me, thinking ‘What the hell have I gotten myself into, and poor Bryan too’ once again, except with Bryan this time….

Though I’d have to say it does feel quite a-bit more thrilling then scary, that really can’t be good can it?
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm terribly sorry it's so rushed, but I wasn't feeling quite well today and just wanted to get it out into the open. And also I apologies for the shortness of it's length, the next will be longer. :)

Title credit to The Killers: Somebody Told Me

Signed~ The Freak