Status: Discontinued

I am Human and I Need to be Loved Just Like Every One Else Does

Party til You Pass Out, Drink til' You're Dead

I padded up to my room attic to ponder over the days events, -and see if my stuff came, it did thank god-. Sadly though I could not do that for very long for you see I am a human and we tend to need sleep. So sleep I did.


I woke up feeling like crap with a huge headache and my phone buzzing with the song Asleep by The Smiths, ‘who the hell calls at two-thirty in the morning’ I though rudely. Groaning and complaining like a person with a hangover I grabbed my phone and answered it with a groggy hello.

“Um hey it’s Alaura right?” The person on the other end of the line sounded distinctly familiar.

“Yeah it’s me, who’s this?” I said tiredly looking around at unpacked room, just my bed the only thing un-packed.

“It’s me Bryan, hey-” He cut himself off and his voice sounded distant and I heard an ‘Oh my god!’ “Listen kiddo, your sisters are smashed and there was a bar fight-” this time I cut him off “Holy cow, are they okay!” I almost screamed but remembered my father somewhere near by. “Yeah, yeah their fine, but their smashed and stuck at the guys and my place, all the others are smashed and can’t find there keys and I left my car at the bar and grabbed a taxi with the rest because it was quicker, so long story short I was wondering if you could sneak out, grab a cab down here and get you sisters.” He said somewhat frantically.

“Why can’t you bring them down here, you know where I live?” I asked back standing up with the feeling I wasn’t going to win this fight.

“Cause I’m pretty f**king smashed myself kiddo, and I don’t trust myself with you sisters” it was only know that I noticed his slurring voice.

“Fine” I said softly giving up, “Give me your address and I’ll pick ‘um up as soon as I can.”

He gave me his address, and after we said our goodbyes I got dressed and surprisingly easily sunk out of the front door.


Saddening finding a cab wasn’t hard, and after I told the man the address he gave me a surprised look, but he wasn’t concerned enough to ask me about it, I was glad though I didn't feel like snapping at people from having this horrid headache, because I would end up feeling guilty later.

About fifteen minuets later we did get to Bryans apartment complex, and the cab pulled up on the curb.

“Excuse me mister, but can you wait here for about twelve minuets while I go and get some people” I looked up at him with pleading eyes. “Whatever kid, it’s your money” he grunted just as I hopped out of the car and ran up the concert stairs to number fourteen.


When I finally found the door and knocked a few times a drunk looking Max got the door. “W-what d-d-do you want-t” he slurred heavily. “I’m here for Bryan” I said quietly.

He turned and called Bryans name and a stumbling Bryan came to the door.

“T-this way” he slurred grabbing my small hand in his large one and tugging me into a random room which occupied my sisters both barely able to stand up straight.

Bryan grabbed Suzie and I grabbed Irene and together we loaded them into the cab much to the cab drivers dismay.

Just as I was about to hop into the car Bryan grabbed my shoulder spun me around and pulled me into a big bear hug, and he placed a sloppy kiss to my lips. I let out a gasp and he looked into my eyes apologetically, “Sorry for making you come out here kiddo, see you soon” and with that he shoved something into my back pocket squeezed my butt making me yelp and ran back off into his apartment leaving me stunned on the side of the road.

“Get in!” Barked the cab driver making me squeak and jump back into the car, my thoughts still whirling from when Bryan kissed me on the lips. A light bulb went off and I remembered he put something into my back pocket.

I reached in and pulled out two twenty dollar bills and a small note saying: ‘for the taxi kiddo ~ love Bryan.

“That’s sweet of him” I mumbled under my breath smiling and giggling a bit. Even as a drunk he was too nice for his own good.


Soon enough the cab driver pulled onto the curb next to my house paying him twenty-seven dollars for the ride. And I got my sisters into the house without much hassle, but my head was starting to hurt even worse know because oh how my sisters smelt like alcohol and possibly something else.

All I remember is going into my room my head pulsing in pain and crying myself to sleep.


His large hands tangled into my dark brown hair pulling me closer to him for another kiss. He nipped my bottom lip harshly making my let out a soft moan. “Bryan” I moaned again louder as his hands slipped down and groped my butt.

A smirk light up his pretty lips as he started to kiss along my jaw, then down onto my neck where he started sucking and nipping trying to leave a hickey –and most likely succeeding-. Making little breathy moans come out of my mouth, I tipped my head back in a form of submission as his lips ravished along my neck and collar bone, while his hands came up and gripped my hips and slipping under my shirt.

His eyes gleamed with lust and maybe something more, “You ready for this kiddo” He whispered huskily to me, using my pet name seemed to turn me on even more. His hands
going higher and higher-


“Ah” I woke up from my dream screaming lightly at my dream. Luckily no one heard me. Pale light seeped through my small window indicating that in was early morning.

Realization of what I just had hit me like a tone of bricks, ‘I almost had a sex dream about Bryan.… and I don’t even know his last name’ my eyes widened at the last part of my thoughts.

“I am royally screwed” I muttered out loud, closing my eyes dreading the day ahead of me.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sorry a few bits of it are a-bit rushed but I just wanted to get this out know, and what do you think of the almost sex scene ;)

Title credit to Bring Me The Horizons Football Season Is Over

Signed~ The Freak