Status: I'll update when I'm sick of working on my other stories.

The Black Parade

Pretty simple--the Black Parade in stories. If you don't like funerals, war, death, murder, afterlives, etc. don't read. I don't like any of it either but I gotta get it out of my head some way or another. These are all gonna be about death. Get over it.

I don't own the Black Parade. I don't own My Chemical Romance, if they decide to show up in here. Honestly, if I did own them, I would be stealing their money and using it to have an enormous international MCRmy ice cream party. Duh. In the middle of all that, I would be hugging Ray (repeatedly) and rambling to Gerard about how much I love him until he had to smack me upside the head to make me shut up... I'm gonna be honest...

This story is dedicated to The Black Parade, because it is my life.
  1. The End.
  2. Dead!
    Love, ***
  3. This Is How I Disappear
    I can't even begin to describe this. Suicide? Love?