Show You What I've Been Waiting For.

Promises are meant to be kept. And Lorilye, never breaks them. Even when fame overcomes her life, she finds herself and her closest friends, who are also her band mates back in Huntington Beach to furfil a promise she made to her life long best friend, Zackarey Baker.


Headstrong main singer of world proclaimed band Dove. She doesn't take no for an answer and is wildly famous for her bad girl attitude and rockstar persona. Did time in rehab for cocaine addiction but quickly broke free from it's grasps only to do jail time for assault because of unruly fans.

Holly and Heather:

Twin guitarist of Dove. Both are very distinct and can only be told apart when one changes their head style. Holly is very loud and can be obnoxious, but she plays the lead guitar like a saint and can kick anyones ass if tempted. Heather is more laid back and clinical. The mother of the group and always the one worrying.


Band drummer. She's a nice girl but can have a very bad attitude. She expresses herself easily and is always tapping her fingers. You'll pretty much know when something is bothering her.

And last but not least.


The most kick ass bass player. She is probably the nicest one of out all the girls and has been known the stop them from getting into more trouble than they could ask for. Very soft spoken and knows when things are getting out of hand.

Of course:
The guys.



I do not claim to own 17x, although I wish I did. And the pictures I just randomly found. So if it's you.. Then yeah, your beautiful, and your now in my story. Whatever.

If you thought arranged marriages were boring, wait until a reunited love causes havoc.