Status: starting but have to message if you want more, cuz I update the stories that get read

Bad Girl From a Small Town Goes to an All Boys Delinquent School

Family Leaves, Let the fun begin

I woke up to someone knocking on the door, but didn't sit up or even open my eyes

"Come in" Parker said

"Dude you really like her don't you" Hunter said

"Ya, I've never had a girlfriend before" Parker said and I could hear the smile in his voice

"You would've had one, if you wouldn't have been like I don't wanna talk" Hunter said

"Ya but I'm glad my first girlfriend is Sam" Parker said "I bought her this, do you think she'll like it?"

"Ya" Hunter said "Wake her up her brother called and they're leaving today so we need to go say bye"

"Ok" Parker said then I heard the door close

I felt the end of the bed cave in "Sam" he said lightly shaking me "Wake up" then he kissed my cheek

"I don't wanna wake up" I said with a yawn

"Your Siblings and friends are leaving today" Parker said

"Fine" I said slipping out of bed "Be right back"

I walked out and down to my room and to my closet "What to wear, what to wear"

I finally picked out something to wear, I walked over and
changed my phone case. I walked into the bathroom took a shower and got dressed.

I walked out to the living room and I didn't see anyone.

"Hello?, Guys are you still here?" I said/asked not finding anyone

Someone grabbed me from behind "Zombies eat brains" I could tell the voice was Hunter

"Put me down Hunter" I said kicking

I saw Parker walk out of a room looking mad "Parker help!" I said reaching for him

Parker walked over and pulled me out of Hunters arms without hurting me

"They trapped me" Parker said nodding his head towards Danny and Hunter when he said 'they'

"Ok but lets go" I said putting my arm around Parker's waist

"K" he said and we walked out to the parking lot

"Your brother is picking us up" Hunter said

"Ok" I said looking up at the sky

When Kayne pulled up we all sat on top of each other, and when I say we all I mean (Parker,Hunter,Dallon,Danny,
Me,Dylan,Brian, Aiden, and Zack

When we got to the airport we all got out and walked inside.

"Sissy come home with us" Emily whined

"I can't" I said and got down on one knee "But In my top drawer at home is a web-cam, you and
Olivia can have it. My username is Parker's.Parks"

"Thats weird" Parker said looking at me like I had two heads

"Hey don't be mean" I said playfully hitting his arm

"Sissy thank you for the web-cam" Emily and Olivia said hugging me

"Your Welcome" I said standing up "I'll miss you guys"

"We'll miss you too" Hailey said hugging me

After hugging everyone like a hundred times each Kayne gave me the keys to my car.

Because apparently Only Kayne, Hayden, Hailey, Olivia and Emily came in the car,
the others were on a plane.

When they were on the plane, we all went back to the car.

"Dude now we have a car" Aiden said

"Ya, It rocks" Hunter said

"Dudes I should buy a bigger car, but keep this one" I said turning on the radio

"Do you know how much that costs?" Dylan asked

"Ya, dude my dad has lots of money" I said

"Really?" Brian asked surprised

"Ya, he has since forever" Aiden said

"Buy a van" Dallon said

"Ya because there big" Zack said

"Lets go buy one" I said "Where's a car store?"

"If you take the next right and then the second left you should get there" Aiden said

"K" I said loving being able to drive my car

"Dude there it is" Dylan said pointing to a parking lot

We pulled into the parking lot and all got out and started looking at cars

"Can I help you find something?" A man asked, he had a name tag that said Dale

"Um ya Dale you can, we need a van" I said

"Ok, follow me" Dale said and he took us to another side of the parking lot

I saw so many vans, "Here" Dale said then stood aside

We walked over and looked through windows and finally decided on a red van.

After paying we went back to our cars. Me, Parker, Aiden ,Dylan, and Brian all came in my older car
and the others went in the van.

"You guys are really good with Olivia and Emily" I said to Dylan and Brian

"Thanks" Brian said blushing a little and sinking in his seat, Dylan didn't say anything but he did
slide down in his seat

When we got back to the school we all got out.

"Keys" I said going over to Hunter, he handed me my keys for the van

"Dude, now we can go anywhere" Danny said excited

Dallon was glaring at someone behind me, I turned around to see
Will and his friends coming towards us.

"You bought cars I see" Will said looking at my cars

"Well actually I already had this car" I said pointing to my beautiful red car

"Ok, but why are you still hanging with losers?" Johnny asked

"What do you mean?" I asked confused and mad

"You should hangout with some real guys" Johnny said

"Ya, you really should" Will said putting his hand on my shoulder

"Oh my gosh, leave before I kill you guys, and these are real guys unlike you" I practically screamed
pushing his hand of my shoulder.

"Ok,we'll leave, but remember that we will get you" Will said then nodded at his friends and they all left.

"Don't worry they won't get near you" Parker said

"Wait didn't we have school today?" I asked

"Ya, so" Aiden said

"Just wondering" I said

"Lets get lunch" Danny said

After we hung out all day It was almost time for everyone to be in our dorms.

"We should have a sleepover" I said jumping up and down

"Ya" Aiden said doing a back flip

"Fine but no sugar" Parker said

"Why?" I whined

"Because I said so" Parker said then started laughing

"To bad" I said putting my Chen up then grabbed Aiden "We are going to the store"

"Dude let them go" Zack said laughing

"Ok" Parker said then sat down

Aiden and me walked out to the parking lot and got in the car.

"You've only been here like a few days yet you have lots of friends" Aiden said

"Ya,... Aiden?" I said/asked to get his attention

"Ya" Aiden said turning to look at me

"I'm glad I was sent here" I said pulling in the parking lot

"Me too" Aiden said getting out

We walked in the store, and over to a big candy display

"Get whatever you want" I said and we started putting a bunch of candy and food in the cart

When we where done we walked to the checkout

After the lady rang all the stuff up she said "That will be $96.39"

I handed her two fifties and she handed me my change.

When we got to the car, Aiden turned to me "We just spent almost a hundred dollars on food"

"Ya, its weird that we got so much" I said

When we got back to the school we went back to my dorm house.

"Sammy why did you buy that much candy and food?" Hunter asked

"Because then we can eat whatever we want for meals" I said taking the bags over in the little kitchen
and put the stuff where it should go.

"Cool,.... wait we don't know how to cook" Danny said

"I do" I said raising my hand high

"Yay!" Dylan said "Do you know how to make pizza?"

"Yep, my mom started teaching me, but my dad finished" I said but then became a little sad

"Why didn't your mom finish teaching you?" Dallon asked

"Shut up man" Aiden said standing up

"Sorry, I just was wondering" Dallon said

"No its ok" I said sitting on the floor next to Dallon "My mom died when I was three, Kayne is my step
brother, and Emily and Olivia are only my half sisters, so she never go to finish teaching me"

"Oh sorry I asked" Dallon said sadly

"No its ok" I said "Do they have anywhere were people fight?"

"Ya" Brian said "Why?"

"Because instead of being sad about my mom I fight" I said standing up

"Ok, I'll show you tomorrow" Dylan said

"No you won't, she's not fighting" Parker said

"Ya I am" I said "I fought before and I'll fight now"

"Guys lets play truth or dare" Zack said

"Fine but I'm not kissing anyone" I said "Unless its Parker"

"K" Zack said "No kissing, Hunter start"

We all sat in a circle.

"Sam" Hunter said "Truth or dare?"

"Dare" I said

"I dare you to go put your pajamas on and go to a random dorm and ask for Peanut Butter" Hunter said "And
if they say no then ask where you can get some"

"And you can't tell them it was a dare" Zack said

"Ok" I said getting up and headed to my room

I walked to my dresser "What kind of pajamas?" I shouted to Hunter

"Anything" he called back "But its what you wear to bed"

I decided on something cute. I left the robe open,
I walked out of my room

"Nice" Hunter said "Now go, I will go but hide just to make sure you did do it"

Me and Hunter walked out of our dorm. And we walked for a few minutes

"Hide here" I said but walked around a corner and went to the door.

I knocked on the door, after a couple minutes no one answered so I knocked again and the door opened

"What?" a boy who answered who looks like he just woke up and is half asleep

"Do you have some Peanut Butter?" I asked trying not to laugh

"I don't know, why?" he said/asked

"Because I want peanut butter" I said smiling

"Let me go see" he said then walked over to there little kitchen and came back

"Here" he said handing me some peanut butter then closed the door

"Thanks" I said then skipped back to Hunter

Hunter was on the floor laughing "He actually gave you peanut butter" he said out of breath

We walked back to our dorm. I opened the door and threw Danny the peanut butter

Everyone started laughing.

"He really gave you this?" Parker asked

"Yup" I said then yawned "I'm gonna go to bed"

I gave Parker a hug and kiss then went back to my room and fell asleep in my bed.
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Lol wrote this really late at night, Now I look back and laugh at how weird it is