When I Look At You

When I Look At You

Everybody needs inspiration, Everybody needs a song. A beautiful melody, when the nights so long. ‘Cause there is no guranttee that this life is easy.

Jonathan Toews sat in the hospital bed holding onto the love of his life’s hand; tears brimming his eyes. “I’m sorry Mr. Toews; we tried everything that we could. Diana’s body couldn’t take the chemo treatments and her body rejected the blood transplant.” said Doctor Montag. Those words broke Jon’s heart. No, broken couldn’t even describe what it felt; his heart shattered into a billion pieces. Sobs passed silently through his lips and tears fell onto the floor. “I’m sorry again.” with that the Doctor left to leave Jon alone with his now deceased girlfriend. Jon felt numb, he felt that the world around him went into a dark abyss.

Yeah, when my world is falling apart, when there’s no light to break up the dark, that’s when I look at you. When the waves are flooding the shore, and I can’t find my home anymore, that’s when I look at you.

Looking down at the tomb stone; Jonathan couldn’t bring to himself the blame of his girlfriend’s cancer. Months had passed since Diana’s death and Jonathan felt that his world was falling apart, leaving him in a dark universe. Diana’s death took a toll on the Blackhawks Captain; the style of his playing was bad and he couldn’t concentrate on the games and the team were worried for their young captain. The fans on the other hand, were dissappointed but sad at how the Hawks were doing. “Tazer, how bout you come out with us tonight and have a few drinks. The guys and I miss our ‘Captain Serious’.” asked fellow teammate and best friend Pat Kane. Jon shook his head. “Sorry guys, Diana’s parents are coming into town to pick up some stuff.” The guys nodded sadly and a frowns graced upon their lips as they saw their Captain on the verge of tears. Patrick Sharp and Duncan Keith gripped his shoulder in a way that meant they were there for him. Jon smiled sadly and headed out the door.

When I look at you I see forgiveness, I see the truth. You love me for who I am, like the stars hold the moon. Right where they belong, and I know I’m not alone. When the waves are flooding the shore and I can’t find my way home anymore, that’s when I look at you.

Reaching his condo complex, Jon walked with his head down and saw that Diana’s parents were inside the lobby awaiting his arrival. Once he reached them; Marciena and Marcello hugged Jon tightly and went up to his condo. “Make yourselves at home,” Jon said once he unlocked and opened his door into his condo. Everything was still neat and in place, pictures of him and Diana still in place and her medals still hung next to his. Marciena smiled sadly at the pictures of her only daughter in the frames placed all over the living room. “She was such a talented girl; I miss her so much.” said Marciena. Just being in this condo made the three of them sad, knowing that someone they all loved dearly was gone forever. Marcello gripped his wife’s shoulder and kissed the back of her head. Jonathan brought out a box labeled “Memories” in Diana’s handwriting. The trio sat down and opened the box emptying out the contents.

You appear just like a dream to me,just like a kaleidoscope colors that to me. All I need every breath that I breathe. Don’t ya know you’re beautiful

“Oh I remember this one, Diana was just turning four when we took her to her first ever Barcelona match agaisnt Real Madrid. She had her Barcelona kit and everything.” said Marcello when he came upon a picture that a friend took of his family in matching Barcelona jersey’s. Tears filled his eyes as he set down the picture and excused himself. A ding was heard from the door and confused Jon went to see who it was; surprised he saw none other than his teammates lined up in the hall with their wives and girlfriends. “We know your going through a tough time, but we couldn’t let you be alone through this, we’re a family and we’re all here for eachother.” said Patrick Sharp. Jonathan smiled with gratitude and let his team in, he also saw Coach Q which was shocking. “Marciena it’s so good to see you!” Abby Sharp said softly, hugging the frail woman. “It’s good to see you too Abby,” said Marciena. Everyone sat around in Jon’s living room and to his surprise again, they brought pictures and stuff that Diana did and spent. Everyone talked about Diana and how she impacted their lives. It was almost 11:11 p. m when the door bell rang again and Pat Kane said that he would get it.

Pat Kane looked confused as he opened a door and saw a man with a big wrapped box and a large box of “Sprinkles Cupcakes”. “Hi, is this the Toews residence?” asked the messanger. Pat nodded. “Please sign here.” with that Pat signed it and carried the stuff into the living room. “What’s that?” asked Jon. Pat shrugged his shoulders and set it down on the table, “I don’t know, all the dude asked was if this was your place and told me to sign the paper thing.” “Well open and see what it is! There’s a card.” Emma -Brent’s girlfriend-said. Jon tore open the envelope and read the card. Confusion was written on his face and his heart almost dropped to the floor and eyes wide open. “It’s, it’s from Diana?” a chorus of “What?” was said around the room. “Read it out loud.” “Open the box” Jon opened the box to see a pink sparkly and glittery recorder. He held it up and read the post-it note that said “Press Play :)” Jon pressed play and set it on the coffee table for everyone to hear. Jon’s heart dropped when he heard Diana’s voice through the recorder.

“To my darling Hawks’ family, if your listening to this then I’m no longer with you. How I know your all together at Jon’s place is because 2 years ago I made a wish on 11:11 that you guys would be together to help Jon through this tough time. I’m sorry that I had to leave you all so early like this, it’s unfair but then again so is life. Each and everyone of you taught me something and that’s love and family. There’s some things that I would like to say to you for one last time, Sharpie; I’m so happy that you and Abb’s are married, hope your children are as good looking as you! Duncs, take care of your teeth and make sure you keep the Hawk’s into kick assness’. Kaner, settle down some day and get married and have children. You can’t be the single play boy forever.” Laughs were arupted from everyone, “Seabs, hurt Emma and I will come back to haunt you. Sopy keep in check of everyone for me. Hammer! Keep Stally and Arianna happy and make sure Stally smells of lavender everyday! and to my darling and wonderful Captain Toes, I love you forever and always. Keep the Hawks’ in good condition and snatch another Stanley Cup for me, and bring him to my grave so that I can be with Lord Stanley again; Coach Q, Make sure you keeps these boys asses in line and make sure they don’t slack off all the time, and to everyone else; I love each and everyone of you and I hope that you enjoy life and take care of Jon and my parents. They need your help and support and make sure they don’t mope around forever. Especially Jon, I love you baby so much, and I’m so sorry that I had to leave you, but I want you to find someone else that could make you happy like I did, or I hope I did. The firl will be one lucky one if she dates you. Your the best boyfriend I could’ve ever ask for and I’m so happy that I spent my final years with you. Take care, with love D. P.S, I hope you guys like the painting.”

Jon sadly unwrapped the big box and saw a picture of the Hawks’ with their wives and girlfriends and families and one couple stood out. It was of Jon and Diana holding the cup above their heads and were kissing like a bunch of love sick teens. Jon replaced a painting of flowers with the Stanley Cup Painting and everyone was smiling at the look of it. Who knew that one girl, one amazing girl could bring together a family, a family of champions. Jon went outside and looked into the skies seeing a bright star shinning down on him and smiled, mouthing “I love you” and blew a kiss to the star knowing that was his Diana shinning down on him, to know that he wasn’t alone.
3 years passed and Jon had married his recent girlfriend DeeAnna. After the night of the message from Diana, Jon decided that he should take Diana’s advice and started dating again. The Hawks’ were 3 time defending Stanley Cup Champions and every time they won, they kept their promise to Diana and brought her to her grave. Jon and the Hawks’ made a Memorial Gala in honor of Diana right by the United Center, Jon had put Diana’s painting that she had painted since she was 16 in the Memorial so that everyone saw her talent. That’s how he met DeeAnna, and now he’s married to her. After their honeymoon Jon and DeeAnna were expecting their first child, which was girl named Diana. Both of them knew that it was best to name her Diana.

Another 5 years passed and every April 30, Jon would make his visit to Diana’s grave, he had upgraded her up to a Memorial Tomb so that all the flowers, bears, and pictures were kept safe and unharmed. Jon would talk to Diana like she was there, telling her stories of what happened at practice and what Little Di did or accomplished. He would tell her news from the team and who was with who and who was pregnant and all those gossip topics; and before he left, Jon would always reach into his pants pocket and rechieve a small black box that held Diana’s engagement ring and kiss it everytime before he left. This time he laid the box on the table where her pictures, flowers, and bears sat and left it open so that the diamond could shine through the memorial. “I love you Diana.” with that Jon left and would soon visit again.

You appear just like a dream to me. . .
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Hope you guys like this one-shot. I was inspired to do this by Miley Cyrus song "When I Look At You" :) Rate&&Comment.