Status: active

Take My Hand

Chapter 1- Sam


Ray and I awoke with a start. Climbing out of bed, I cautiously walked over to our bedroom door and closed it in time to see out mother snort up a line of cocaine and shooting up. Closing and locking the door, I headed back to my bed and went under the warm covers. There was a moment of silence before we heard our mothers giggling and a deep chuckle before hearing her bedroom door slam shut.

"Sammy? You alright?" My twin asked from across the room.

"I guess. She was snorting a line and shooting up," I said, answering his unspoken question.

That's the thing between Ray and I. We would always answer each others unspoken question. Which pissed the hell out of our friends. It was silent for a couple of seconds before i heard the creaking of bed springs and soft, padded footsteps before out table lamp turned on. I looked over at my twin. We look the same as well as different. We both had the same forest green eyes,dark hair, and full lips. The only way people can tell us apart is by (duh!) me having boobs. And also because I have snake bites while Ray has just one. I remember the first day we came home with our brand new piercing in. Lily and her boyfriend, Phil, took us to get them done on our 15Th birthday. Then, the minute I stepped inside, our mom attacked me. Before things got way out of hand, Ray pulled her off of me and told her that it was Sam, her daughter. When mom calmed down, she started crying and apologizing. Saying that I looked just like my father with the piercings on. And from then on, when she was surprisingly sober, if just for a few minutes, she would tell us bits and pieces of who he was. But never the name.

"Sam, you alright? You look far away," Ray said as he sat on the floor next to my head.

"Yeah. I'm alright," I said, throwing the covers away from me and got up, no longer tired.

Walking over to our closet, I began to dig for something to wear. Pulling out a pair of semi-tight skinny jeans and a Metallica tee, I threw them at Ray. Looking for a couple more seconds, I pulled out some jeans shorts and a Gir tank top.

"I go first!" I said as I ran into our small bathroom.

Closing and locking the door behind me, I walked over to the shower stall and turned on the hot water. Waiting for it to hear up, I got down to my knees and spun the combination to the lock I have on a cabinet. I never leave my bra and panties in our room. God knows that one of moms friends would be digging through there. After pulling out a blue cheetah print bra and matching boy short, I put them on the counter with my clothes and locked my cabinet back up. Stripping of my clothes, I threw them in the hamper before jumping into the water. Me, being a bit slow at times, forgot that the water was boiling hot, screeched out and jump. Quickly turning on the cold, I sighed in relief when with water was warm. Washing my hair, body, and shaving the necessary body parts, I was done in twenty minutes. Turning off the water, I took the towel off its rack and dried myself down before dressing. When I was done, I walked out of the bathroom. And when I did, Ray was already in and shutting the door.

"Damn vampire," I muttered as I walked over to out dresser.

Pulling out my make-up bag, I place a thin ring of eyeliner around my eyes before putting on some mascara and a bit of lip balm. I smiled at my reflection and nodded. Getting two pairs of socks, I threw one at Ray's bed before sitting down on mine and putting on my socks and used-to-be white, now-written-on van. When i slipped them on, Ray walked out with dripping hair. Getting my brush, I brushed through my hair before deciding to leave it down. As I waited for Ray to finish, I began to play with my snake bites. Before long, Ray was finally done and asked me what time it was.

"It is," I said, grabbing the iPhone he got me for Christmas off the bedside table," 8:30 AM."

"Alright. Lets head out. Lily is probably already here," Ray said as he pocketed his iPhone that I got him for Christmas too and handed me my pair of green Aviators and placing his red pair over his eyes.

Mimicking his actions, I grabbed on to his arm as we headed out. When we were outside the door, I sighed in relief and let go of my hold on his arm. Walking a few more feet, we were in front of out apartments. And there, in a classic 76' convertible, was Lily, her boyfriend Phil in the front seat. In the back was Brandon, Lance, Lance's sister, Jakie, and Tim, Lance's boyfriend.

"SAM!!" Jakie yelled before hopping out of the back and came running towards me.

"OHF!!!" I huffed out as I was knocked to the ground by the pink haired bandit.

Jakie laughed before getting off of me.

"I missed you!" Jakie exclaimed as she hugged me.

I laughed

" You saw me yesterday at school, Jaks."

"Well that was yesterday," and with that, she went back to the back of the car.

I shook my head and chuckled. Walking over to the car, Ray had a smirk plastered there.

"Wipe that smirk off you face," I grumbled as I slid into the bench seat, sitting next to Phil before my brother got in and closed the door behind him," You didn't help me."

"It was too funny," was his reply.

"Whatever. So, where are we going?" I asked.

"We're going to Huntington Beach. There's this diner that has the best food around," Lily said as she started up the car.

"Well, what the hell are we waiting for? LET'S FUCKING GO!" Ray and I yelled simultaneously, causing everyone to laugh. Ah, gotta love these dorks.
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