Status: active

Take My Hand

Chapter 11- Ray

I looked back and forth between out mom and Zacky. Zacky is out dad? What? Huh? What the fuck?!

"Mom. What the hell are you talking about?" I asked as I placed an arm around Sam's shaking form.

"You fucking herd me. This piece of shit right here is you dad," Mon seethed.

I looked over at Matt and Zacky to see Zacky have a face full of hurt on her face.

"Jayle. What.. How... When?" Zacky asked, confused beyond belief.

Mom laughed a cold hard laugh.

"Don't play fucking dumb with me, Baker. You knew that I was pregnant with you kids but you turned your back to me. Gena told me that you said you didn't want anything to do with me or the babies. She said that you wanted me gone and away from you all."

Looking back to Zacky, I saw a flash or rage go through his eyes.

"Gena said all that?"

"Yes." Mom said.

"Well then that was a load of bullshit!!! I didn't even know that I had children! If I'd have known, you know perfectly well that I would have stepped up to the plate and be a father to these two!" Zacky yelled.

Mom laughed a sarcastic laugh and walked away.

"Jayle! Get back here!" Matt called after out mom.

Mom was in the middle of the street when she spun around and said," Fuck you, Matt! You never fucking love me. Your own fucking sister! yo-."

That was all that mom got out before a car came out of nowhere and hit her. Her body flew into the air and landed with a sickening crunch.

"MOM!" Sam cried out before ripping herself from my arm and ran over to our mother's lifeless corpse.

I chased after her and knelled next to her as she place mom's head on her lap. Sam was sobbing uncontrollable. Even though she was never around and had to fend for ourselves, she was still our mother. The person who gave us life. Sam and I locked eyes and felt each others hurt. Footsteps were heading our direction. Sam laid mom's head back on the ground and moved over to me. I wrapped her into my arms and we both sobbed into each others shoulder.
♠ ♠ ♠
No way!!! Damn!

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