Status: active

Take My Hand

Chapter 13-Sam

I whimpered and opened my eyes to see that I was not in the bedroom that Ray and I shared. Instead, I was in a bigger bedroom then ours. I looked around, trying to see if I remember how I got here. The only thing I remember is mom taking us back to Zacky and saying that he was our father. Then mom got hit by a car. I remember that I was crying next to her body and Ray coming to me and hugging me, crying as well. Then I felt another set of arms. These ones bigger and muscular. But that's all that I can recall.

Getting up from the bed, I ran my figures through my hair as I made my way towards the door. Walking down the stairs case, I could hear muffled voices coming from the kitchen. Following the voices, I found myself in the kitchen with my twin, Matt, and Zacky. They didn't notice me until Ray stopped talking to them and looked over at me. They turned and gave me a warm smile.

"Hey Sam. How you doing?" Matt asked as he walked over to me.

"I'm okay," I said as he lead me to the table and sat me down with my brother.

Zacky got up and grabbed a plate off the counter. Placing the plate in front of me, I saw that it was chicken Alfredo. I looked up at him and gave him my famous searching eye.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked.

"How'd you know I love chicken Alfredo?" I asked instead of answering his question.

Zacky looked at me and laughed.

"Lucky guess? I figured that you might like it. Your brother seems to agree."

When he said that, I looked over at Ray to see his mouth full of Alfredo. I laughed at his facial expression and dug in. We were eating quietly before Zacky broke it.

"Sam, Ray. Did you mother ever tell you that you were my kids?"

Ray and I both looked at each other. So it wasn't a dream. I looked over at Zacky to see that he had hurt and sadness in his eyes.

Swallowing the food that was in my mouth, I answered for both of us.

"We never knew. She would tell us when she was sober how wonderful our father was. How caring and charming and loving he was. And that we looked like him."

Zacky nodded and then abruptly stopped.

"What do you mean when she was sober?"

Ray answered this one.

"What she means by that is because mom was a drug addict and a sex addict. She would snort or shoot up whenever she can and have sex everywhere."

I saw that Zacky looked over at Matt with wide eyes.

"What else do you know?"Matt asked, leaning his elbows on the table.

I shook my head," That's all we know. Oh! And that she had an older brother."

Matt took a deep breath, then said," Sam, Ray. I'm Jayle's brother."

We looked at him with eyes wide open and then really looked at him. Matt had the same features as mom. Same hazel eyes and dark hair.

"Holy shit," Ray mumbled.

I chuckled and shook my head.

"Nice way of saying hello to our uncle huh Ray?" I said, smirking at him.

"Hey! You were the one thinking it!" Ray defended.

"Well you said it," I shot back.

"Whoa! White Chicks moment!" Zacky, dad, said with a laugh.

"You know it, dad," Ray and I said simultaneously.

Zacky laugh came to a stop when he heard us say 'dad'.

"We're sorry. We-," Ray began to say before we were suddenly brought into a real tight hug.

"It's alright. It was just a shock," Zacky mumbled to us.

We nodded and hugged out father back.
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here's ch. 13!!! hope you like!
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