Status: active

Take My Hand

Chapter 14- Ray

Our uncle, dad, Sam and I stayed up well past midnight talking. Catching Zacky up in the time he has missed. He wanted to know every little detail. Which I knew was making Sam uncomfortable. I knew why and we swore to each other to never tell anyone about that night. I still shutter at the fact that I wasn't there in time to save her. And, in an odd way, I knew that Zacky knew we weren't telling him something.

"Well," Zacky said, standing up and stretching," We should be heading to bed now. Tomorrow is going to be eventful."

We all nodded and Zacky showed me where I was going to sleep at. The room that was presented to me was much the same as the one Sam will be staying at, but different. Instead of a green comforter, it was black. And all the dressers were a deep cherry oak color, not a light oak.

"Here you are," Zacky said as he walked in with me into the room.

"Thanks.... Dad," I said, still a bit hesitant.

Zacky gave me a small,sad smile and said," Ray. I know it's going to take time for you and you sister to get used to calling me dad. I understand. When you ready to call me dad, I'll still be here."

I looked over at Zacky and smiled at him. He's only known us for three weeks, including the events that went on today and the news we received, he understood.

"Thanks Zacky. We really appreciate it," I said as I walked over to him and gave him a man hug.

Zacky laughed and returned the hug before saying,"Now get some rest. Tomorrow's going to be crazy."

I chuckled and said,"Alright. Night Zacky."

"Night Ray," Zacky said with a smile and closed the door behind him.

I gave out a small tired sigh and stripped into my boxers and went under the covers. The moment that my head hit the pillow, I knocked out.
♠ ♠ ♠

The next one, some people might get hurt. MIGHT!!!!!!!

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