Status: active

Take My Hand

Chapter 17- Zacky

When those words left Ray's mouth, I started at them wide eyes. Looking closely at Sam, I saw that she was shivering. Looking back at the guys, I told them that I was going to take the twins back home. That I wanted to talk to them about school and what to do and not do. They nodded, not questioning my sudden action. Looking over at Ray, I nodded at him and he helped Sam up as I got all there bags. Walking towards my car, I placed there bags in the trunk before going into the drivers side. Looking over my shoulder, Sam was leaning against her brother, Sobbing.

What did that fucker do to my child? I thought in rage as I started up the car and speed home. The usual thirty minute drive was cut to a twenty-five.

"Go and sit in the living room. I want to talk to you both," I said as I looked over my shoulder.

The twins nodded at the same time before getting out of the car and headed inside. Taking a deep breath, I got out of the car and took all of there things out. Placing them at the foyer of the house, I walked into the living room. On the couch were Ray and Sam. Ray leaning back while Sam's head was on her brothers lap, Ray stoking her hair. Walking over to them, I sat on the coffee table and we stared at each other for a long time.

Then, after ten minutes, I said," What happened back there? Why were you shaking?"

I looked at Sam when I asked that. They didn't reply. They just stared at each other for a very long time before Ray nodded at her. Taking a deep breath, he looked up at me and said.

"Sam doesn't want to talk about it. But she gave me permission to tell you in my own voice instead of hers."

I nodded and waited.

Ray looked down at his sister before looking back at me.

"That man. The one that was staring at Sam. Did something bad. I should have been their instead of at the store. Trying to get something to eat. I should have stayed their, knowing mom was doing what she did best with that guy. But I didn't. Sam insisted that I go. That she would be alright. And I agreed. I was just coming back home when I suddenly felt a pain. They say that twins- especially identical twins- could feel each others pain. And that's what I felt. It felt at if someone punched me in the face. I rushed home and went straight to our room. Throwing the door open, their was that man.He-he" Ray kept saying.

"He did what?" I asked, knowing what he was going to say next, but wanting to hear it.

"He was raping her. I pulled him off and began to fucking punch the shit out of that fucker until mom came in and yelled what was going on. I told her and that was the second time that she hit Sam. She called Sam a whore and walked out with that man. I looked at our mother in pure disgust. How can a mother say that to her child. I went back to Sam and helped her into the shower. It took her a while to get clean because she was shaking so bad. After getting her dressed, we laid together and cried. I cried because I couldn't protect her. I- I -I."

That was all Ray got out because he was now crying. I leaned over and took my children into my arms. With one on each shoulder, I could feel there tears soaking my shirt.

"It's okay. I'm here for you. No one will ever hurt you. I swear it," I said to Sam, making her cry harder. To Ray, I said," You did the best you can, son. It's not you fault. It's your mothers fault. Shes to blame. Not you. And you are protecting her."

They didn't say anything, just kept crying into my shoulder. I tightened my hold on them.

If I ever see that fucker again, he is going to beg for fucking mercy.
♠ ♠ ♠
:'(. now y'all know what happened to her! (tears coming down)

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