Status: active

Take My Hand

Chapter 18-Sam

When I pulled away, I saw that Zack had tears in his eyes. Reaching over, I wiped them away before saying:

"Don't cry, papa."

Zacky smiled at me before bringing me into another hug. Pulling away again, he asked us what we wanted to eat for lunch since we didn't really eat anything at the mall.

"How bout some BLT's?" Ray suggested.

"OH! Yay! good chose. But I don't want any B on mines. Just LT," I said, smiling.

Zacky gave me a confused look before Ray explained.

"She's sort of a vegetarian."

"OH!" Zacky said with a laugh.

Getting up, he told us to go put our things away before heading over to the kitchen.Ray and I got up before going over to where we saw where the bags were before grabbing our own and headed up the stairs. Going into our own rooms (finally! if you ask me) I began to place all my things in the right places. After about twenty minutes later, I jumped on the railing and slid down the stairs. When I hit the bottom,I entered the kitchen to see Zacky placing the plates on the table.

"This ones yours," he said, pointing at one.

"Thanks," I said with a smile before sitting down.

Not long after I came down the stairs did Ray come down.

"Thanks," he said to Zacky before he took a bite.

It was silent for a few minutes before Ray cleared his throat and said,"Zacky. Is it alright if the gang come over. They want to know what's going on."

Zacky took a sip of his beer before answering," Yeah. That's completely okay."

"Thanks," Ray said with a smile.

I smiled at him before continuing my samich. It feels great to finally know who our father is.
♠ ♠ ♠

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