Status: active

Take My Hand

Chapter 2-Ray

When we arrived at Huntington Beach, Lily drove for another five minutes until we reached what seemed like an old, run down joint. The paint was chipping off and the building looked like it would fall over any second.

"Lil, are you sure about this building. It looks like a fly could take this down," I said as I climbed out of the car, Sam following.

"Yeah," Lily said as she shut off her car, "I read really good reviews about this place and it said that it's the best place to grab something to eat. The outside is like an illusion."

"Well. What the hell are we waiting for? LET GO EAT!" Sam yelled out, pointing at the door.

We all laughed and followed behind. I walked up to her side and ruffled her dark hair.

"HEY!?! What the hell man!?" Sam shrieked as she stepped away from my hand.

We all entered the restaurant by then and headed to an empty boom at the end of the place. Sam, being the 'awesomest ninja ever to walk among us' dove into the booth and sat right smack in the middle. I laughed and slid into her right. Brandon was on her left. Then Lily, Phil, and Jakie. To my left were Lance and his boyfriend, Tim. Looking over at our menus, I Immediately saw they they sell veggie burgers. I chuckled to myself and looked at mt watch. 10:30 a.m. Sam would still want it, no matter what. We didn't have to wait long till out waiter came up and asked for our order. When he got everyone order of pancakes and eggs, he turned to my sister and looked her up and down like she was a piece of meat that he wanted to try out. I growled under my breath.

"Hush Ray," Sam said low for only me to hear and in a louder tone, she said," I would like to have a veggie burger with fries and iced tea. And don't tell me it is too fucking early cause if you do, I will go right up to you manager and say I was being sexually harassed and discriminated!"

The waiter looked at her wide eyed and scurried off. We all had to laugh at the look on his face. It was completely priceless. As we waited for out food, we all started talking about random ass shit that we did at school yesterday. Like when we pulled that prank on the sub for English. Too funny. As we talked about the beach bonfire we were going to have tomorrow, out food arrived. The waiter placed our food and drinks in front of us and walked off without another word. We dug in and talked a few. We were done when Sam bursted out and said, "BRANDON SMELLS!.....LIKE A MONKEY!" We all laughed again.

"Hey!" Brandon yelled, "I do not!" and got one of her fries and threw it at her face.

Sam's face way more priceless than the waiters. When Sam recovered from her shock, she and Brandon went into an all out slapping war. We all laughed at there childish antics. But, all to soon, the damn waiter came over and killed out fun.

"FINE! Fucking dick sucker," Sam grumbled as we all placed and amount on the table and slid out.

We were just walking to the door when I felt a body jump on my back.

"Onward my trusty steed!" Sam yelled out in a British accent.

"HEY!! I am not a horse!" I huffed out as I adjusted her her for she wouldn't fall over.

"No. Your my brother. But still!" She said.

I laughed and followed the group back out to Lily's car. We were standing right next to it when Phil asked what we should do next.

"Baseball," Sam and I said simultaneously.

"Of course," Phil said with a chuckle as he got the equipment out of the trunk.

"HURRAY!!!" Sam yelled out, hopping off of my back and ran across the street to the part.

We all laughed and followed along.
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