Status: active

Take My Hand

Chapter 21-Zacky


That was all I heard from my daughter before there was the sound of metal being twisted and a dial tone.

"Fuck!" I yelled as I ran towards my car.

"Zack! What the fucks going on?" I heard Matt yell, following me.

"Get in the car. I'll tell you on the way," I said as I jumped into my car.

As I started it up, I sped out of my drive way and headed towards the free way. As I did so, I filled Matt in what I knew. When I finished, I saw a look of determination on his face and he told me to go faster. I nodded and pushed pass ninety. When we entered the freeway, we got half way before we were stopped by traffic.

Getting out, I jumped to the top of my car and looked over at the other side. There were a shit load of cops and ambulances.

"Matt! There over there!" I said before jumping down the hood of my car and began to run towards the wreck.

I knew that Matt was hot on my heels but that didn't matter right now. My kids did. When we were about fifty feet away from them, I jumped over the barrier, I ran over to where the officers were surrounding Ray's red mustang.

"Sir! I can't let you pass," an officer said as he stopped me from going through.

"The hell with that! Those are my kids!" I yelled at him.

The officer looked at me like if I was lying. He must have seen something in my face for letting me and Matt pass. He told the other officers to let us through and I thanked him before running over to where Ray and Sam were being placed in gurneys.

"Sir you can't be here," the female paramedic said.

"Let me go with them! Those are my children!" I said to her, feeling hot tears running down my face.

She nodded before letting me pass. Running to where the twins were, I broke down when I saw their faces. They had bruises and cuts.

"Ray! Sam!" I yelled, trying to wake them.

No response.

"Sir. Do you know these children?" a paramedic asked me.

I nodded as I looked down at my broken children.

"They're my kids," I said to him.

He nodded before saying," We have to take them to the hospital immediately. Who are you riding with?"

I wanted to ride with both of them, but I knew that I can only go with one. Looking over at Matt, he nodded at me before saying:

"I'll ride with Ray."

I nodded before hopping into the back of the ambulance with Sam. As they put her in, they began to drive off. I held onto my daughters hand as they worked over her. The whole ride to the hospital was a total blur. When we got to Huntington Memorial, they wheeled Sam and Ray out at the same time before taking them into the E.R.

"I'm sorry sir. But you can't go past," a make nurse told me.

"Those are my kids in there!" I yelled at him.

"Sir, do not make me call security. You have to wait in the waiting room and a doctor will be right out to tell you about there situation," and with that, he rushed into the E.R.

I yelled out in frustration and went to sit down beside Matt.

"The rest of the guys and girls are on their way," he told me as I sat beside him.

I nodded and placed my head in my hands. Who would do this to my kids? I've just met them and now they're being taken away from me? What the hell!

We didn't have to wait long before we heard Jimmy's loud voice call through.

"Vengeance! What the fucks going on?"

I looked up at them and said,"The twin were in an accident. They were rear ended by some van. That's all that Sammy told me before the line was cut off."

They all gasped and I saw the girls eyes filled with tears. Looking over at the guys, I saw that they tried to keep their tears at bay, but failed.

"Who the fuck would do that?" Johnny asked to no one in particular.

I shrugged my shoulders and looked down.

"Do you know anything yet?" Chelle asked.

"No. They just wheeled them into the E.R not to long ago. Fuck! I just knew that I had kids and now there probably going to be ripped away from me? Why!?" I yelled out before breaking down into sobs.

I heard the girls sobbing to and I realized in what short time we knew these kids, they all made a huge impact in out lives. We were all in the waiting room of the E.R. for two hours before a doctor finally came out.

"Family of the Charles twins?" he called out.

We all stood up and walked over to him.

"Your all family?" he asked.

I nodded.

"I'm there father. And these are their uncles. Doctor, tell me what's their situation."

The doctor sighed and rubbed his eyes.

"I'm Dr.Edwards and I was assigned to them. They are lucky that they came in. If we have waited fora few more minutes, they would have not made it. The girl, Samantha, had a fractured wrist that needed surgery and has a broken arm and cracked skull. The boy, Raymon on the other hand, has a broken leg and a deep cut on his forearm. They needed about two transfusion because of the amount of blood they lost. They are in stable condition but."

"But what?" I asked when he didn't continue.

"They both are in a deep coma," he said.

When those words left his mouth, I thought I was about to pass out.

"What? Will they come out of it?" Lacey asked, standing next to me.

"We don't know for certain. But it will be a miracle if they both come out of it. But there's a slim chance."

"Oh god," I said as the girls began to sob harder.

"Is it alright if we see them?" Matt asked.

Dr. Edwards nodded.

"Follow me," he said as he turned on his heel and walked down the hallway.

We all followed behind and stopped at room 69. The doctor didn't say a words as he opened the door to let us in. There, in the too white room, were my little angles. They were all bandaged up and hooked to heart monitors and IVs.

I didn't say anything as I walked in and sat in the middle of the both of them. Taking one of there hands in mine, I rubbed circles in the back of there hands and said:

"Please come back."

I looked at them, hoping that they heard, but knew it wasn't likely. Sighing, I leaned back and waited. Waited for my children to come back to me. Back to there family.
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