Status: active

Take My Hand

Chapter 28-Ray

"Where are our phones?" Sam instantly asked when we got into dads car.

"Well, about that...."Matt began to say before trailing off.

"What? What happened to it?" Sam asked, frightened.

Instead of answering, Matt passed back a brown paper bag. Opening the bag, Sam and I looked into it.

"NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" Sam howled out and began saying,"No! My baby! Do you know how much it cost me to get one for Ray?!"

"And one for Sam!" I cried out.

Sam and I faked cried into each others shoulders. Peaking over, I saw that the guys were looking at us, wide eyes. Behind us, I could hear Lily, Phil,Brandon, Lance, Tom, and Jakie snickering.

"Um. We'll get you new one! Don't worry about it," Zacky said.

"Okay," Sam said, pulling away.

Dad looked at s, mouth agape and eyes bulging. He shook his head and started up the car before pulling out of the hospital. He took his phone out and called someone before telling something and hanging up. About ten minutes later, we arrived at the mall. Getting out of the car, I walked along side with dad and Sam. We headed into an Apple store and he asked the dude at the front counter to get him two iPhone's 4G. Looking over at Sammy, I saw that she was looking down. I instantly felt what she was feeling and sighed.

"Sam? What's wrong?" I heard dad ask her.

Sam looked up and I saw that her eyes were watering. I moved from where I was and placed an arm around her shoulders.

"I feel guilty for doing that. You don't have to get us new phones. We could have done it ourselves," Sam mumbled out.

"Oh sweetie. Come here," dad said, opening his arms.

Sam pulled away from my arm and walked into dad's open arms.

"Sammy. It's okay. You don't have to feel guilty. I want to get this for the two of you. I am your father," Dad said.

"But-," she began to say before being cut off again.

"No 'But's'."

I laughed when Sam looked up at dad and rolled her eyes.

"Fine," she said, smiling.

Dad smiled back before turning back to the counter and began to pay for our things. I was looking around the store when something out of the corner of my eye caught my attention. Turning to look, I saw that it was a guy with a camera.

"Um, dad," I said.

Dad turned to look at me. I pointed and he looked over to see what I was pointing at.

"Fuck," dad said as he paid for the phones.

Taking both our hands in each of his own, we quickly walked out of the store and out the mall. But it seemed like we weren't quick enough because we were suddenly bombarded by paparazzi and the flash of there camera's. Looking beyond them, I saw that the rest of the guys and girls were rushing out and to there cars. I looked for Jakie and sighed in relief when I saw her brother rushing her into his car. Jumping into dads truck, he started up the thing and began to drive.

When we were finally far away from the mall, dad looked at us through the rear view mirror and said a bit smugged:

"Welcome to the life of being followed."
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