Status: active

Take My Hand

Chapter 3-Zacky

The guy's and I walked into out favorite diner and slid into a booth. Jimmy, being the crazy ass mother fucker that he is, dove into his seat and said, 'I am the ninja God!'. We all laughed and looked over at our menus. After our waiter got all of our orders and came back with them, we were about to eat when a voice yelled out, 'Brandon smells!....... Like a monkey!' Then a fit of laughter reached us. We turned and three booths down and saw a bot next to a dark haired girl. He reached over to pick up a fry from her plate and threw it at her face. She had a look of shock on her face but then recovered and then began a smacking war.

"My kind of people!" Jimmy yelled out around a mouth full of pancakes.

It went on for about ten minutes before a waiter came and kicked them out. We had just finished by then when the girl who was in the smacking war jumped on the back of another boy and yelled out, 'ONWARD MY TRUSTY STEED!'

"Hey!" The boy under her exclaimed," I am not a steed!"

"No, you my brother. But still! ONWARD!" the girl said and they all walked out of the building.

"Well, that was rather, entertaining," Brian chuckled as he put down the amount of money of the check.

"Ya think?" Matt said, chuckling and sliding out of the booth.

We had just stepped outside when the same girl came dashing out and ran across the street, in the middle of traffic, and went into the park. The others close behind.

"I wanna play!" Jimmy said and he too ran across the street.

We all followed close behind and soon saw him slow down to a walk and went over to the group. As we all approached, we heard a 'WHAT DO YOU MEANT YOU DOING WANT TO PLAY?!'

"Sammy chilax! We'll find a way," her brother said.

"We better," She grumbled.

"Hey!" Jimmy yelled out as we all headed over,"We can probably help. What do you need?"

"Huh? Oh well, we need more players to play ball," The boys brother's said.

"Well we can do that. Zacky here played ball back in high school," Matt said as he patted my back.

"Shut up," I laughed out, "Alright, we'll spit up and play. By the way, I'm Zacky. This here is Matt, Brian, Johnny, and Jimmy."

"Oh. We already know that. I'm Sam and this here is my twin brother, Ray. Also known as the Charles twins. Them couples over there are Lily and Phil. To there right is Lance and Tim. This here is Jakie, Lance's little sister."

"Cool," I said, shocked as hell when I heard the last name of the twins. Turning to Matt, I saw that he too was shocked and looked at the twins up and down.

"Sweetness! Now let's fucking play!" Jimmy said as he picked up a bat.

We all agreed and split off into teams. Sam Brian, Jimmy, Tim, Jakie, and Brandon were team Killer. Me, Matt, Ray, Johnny, Phil, and Lily were team Death.

"Alright!" I called out," We'll bat first!"

Everyone nodded and stood into position. Sam went over to her friend, Lily, bag and put her phone, sunglasses, and something small into the bag before walking over to the pitcher mound. Before picking up the ball that was at her feet, she pulled her hair into a pony tail and began to warm up. It went slow to say the least, but it was still fun. When it was team Killer's turn, Jimmy would do something to distract the others and stole second and third base.

It was team Killer's turn again and they were down by two.

"C'mon Sam! Please bat for us!!" Brandon and Jakie said, more like whine.

"FINE!" Sam huffed out and grabbed a bat.

"Easy out! Come in," I yelled out automatically.

"Oh shit. You've done it now," I heard Ray say.

I looked at him confused before I turned back to Sam. I saw a look of fire and determination on her face and mouthed out, 'Bring it on.' I took a deep breath and wounded up. I threw the ball and waited for her to miss. But, instead of missing, she hit the speed ball perfectly and ran to all the bases.

"SAFE!" Matt called out

I looked at her, shocked.

"WE WON! WE WON! IN YOUR FACE BAKER!" Sam yelled out and she did a happy dance.

I shook my head and headed over to where the twins were at.

"Who taught you to play like that?" I asked her, them.

"Well. No one. It just came naturally to us. That and playing guitar," Ray said, then added," Well, for Sam it is also piano and drums."

I looked down at there forest green eyes. Eyes that looked exactly like mines. I opened my mouth to say something when Jimmy came out of nowhere and yelled out, "Sammy Charles can play the drums?!? Hurray!!"

I shook my head and chuckled. Looking over at Matt, I saw him look back and forth from the twins and I. I walked over to him and said, "Hey man, are you alright?"

Matt shook his head,"I don't know man. To me, they look just like you. But they also look a little like Jayle."

"Jayle? Your half-sister?" I asked, shocked and a bit mad to hear the name of my ex love.

Matt sighed and looked over at me," Yeah. The girl, Sam, acts a little like her."

I turned to look at them too and saw that Sam was on Jimmy's back, who was running around, yelling out, 'Moo'.

I sighed and turned back to Matt.

"Well, who knows. C'mon," I said, shoving Matt forward.

Matt laughed and punched my arm before we headed over to the rest of them.
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I hope you like! I know nothing about baseball, sadly.


And please read some of my other stories, i would really like that. and comment and subscribe too! ^-^