Status: active

Take My Hand

Chapter 35-Ray

"HEY HEY HEY! NO SEX IN THE POOL!" I heard uncle Jimmy yell out.

Looking over at the pool, I saw that Brandon and Sam were wrapped in each others arms, close together. I laughed and shook my head before looking back at Jakie. I saw that she was smiling at them and a sort of look that seemed to look like envy for them.

"Jakie,"I said, making her look at me,"What's wrong?"

Jakie smiled at me before saying,"Nothings wrong. I promise!"

But even as she said it, I knew it was a lie. Taking a deep breath, I swallowed my pride and took her chin in my hand.

"I know your lying, Jakie. Tell me what's wrong."

She looked into my eye for an endless amount of time before giving up.

"It's just," she began to say,"Your sister and Brandon look so happy right now. I want to feel like that, too."

I looked at her and smiled, knowing what she meant. Leaning closer, I gave her a gentle kiss before leaning close to her ear.

"Want to be my girlfriend?"

I heard her gasp before pulling back. We looked into each others eyes and before I knew it, she smiled and nodded her head. I smiled at her and brought her back into a kiss. We kept on kissing until I heard Jimmy's unmistakable loud voice.


I pulled back and laughed before flicking him off. Looking over at him, I saw that he was giving me a look before turning his back and jumping into the pool.

"C'mon," I said as I got up and out stretched my hand to Jakie," let's go join the party."

Jakie smiled at me before taking my hand and we walked hand in hand to the group.
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