Status: active

Take My Hand

Chapter 5-Zacky

When I pulled the twins into my arms, it felt.......... Natural. Like if they were designed to be here. Looking over at Matt, I saw that he had a smile on his face. Walking over to me, he too pulled them into a hug and also felt a connection.

"That was totally epic!" Lily said as she jumped up and down.

The twins pulled away and doubled over in laughter.

"Well we are awesome," they said simultaneously.

"FREAKY AS FUCK!" Jimmy yelled out.

The twins laughed again and began to place there instruments away. As they did so, I walked over to Matt and asked him what's up.

"Zacky, man. When I held them, it felt kinda right. Like if they were a part of me you know?"

I nodded," Yeah. I felt the same way when I hugged them. It felt natural. Like if they belonged there."

"That's strange. Not that I mind. But it's fucking strange nonetheless," Matt said.

We were both quiet for a moment, looking over at the twins. Taking a deep breath, I returned to the little crowd in time to hear the twins say that they all have to head off now.

"AW!!! PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!!" Jimmy wailed as he feel to his knees and clunged onto Sam's leg.

Sam laughed and patted Jimmy on the head.

"Don't worry Jimbo! You can still text me and ask when you want to hang."

"Oh yeah," Jimmy said and got up from the ground.

Sam handed him her cell phone and Jimmy did the same. Ray too, passed him his phone and we all put in our numbers.

"Alright. Now pose!" Sam said as she took an individual picture of us.

"SWEETNESS!" Sam yelled out.

Ray laughed and walked over to us.

"It was nice meeting the real you. Not your rock star self's," He said as he shoot our hands.

"No problem," I answered.

Sam then came over and hugged us instead of shaking our hands. When she reached me, I squeezed her hard and really didn't want to let go.

"Bye," Sam said to all of us before jogging over to where he friends were waiting at. They waved at us and we waved back until they turned and crossed the street.

We waited until there car pulled out of the lot until we headed over to Matt's van. As Matt pulled out of his space, I had a feeling that this was just the beginning of something new and unexpected.
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Sort of a filler*

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