Status: active

Take My Hand

Chapter 6-Sam

~~~~~~~THREE WEEKS LATER~~~~~~~~~

It has been three weeks since we have met the Avenged boys. We would text and hang out whenever we don't have school and when the boys don't have to go to the studio to work.

Ray and I were currently at lunch when my phone ran. Looking down at the screen, I saw that it was Jimmy.

"Guys! Be quiet! It's Jimmy," I said.

Everyone got quiet and I hit reply then the speaker button.

"HELLLLLLOOOOOO SAM!!!!" We heard his voice through the line.

We all laughed and said together, "Hey Jimbo!"

"Am I on speaker!?" Jimmy yelled.

"Um yes?" I said, more like asked.

"YAY!! That means I don't have to call you all individually. So anyways, I called your very pretty phone because you are all invited to a barbecue today."

"Cool. But Jimmy, you do know that we are at school right?" Lily said, leaning over Phil.

"Not for long," Jimmy said before hanging up.

We all looked at my phone, then at each other totally confused. When I put my phone in my pants pocket, the bell ran, indicating that lunch was over. We all got up and headed out separate ways. Ray and I were barley in class for twenty minutes before out names were called on the intercom to go to the office.

Ray and I looked at each other confused before getting out things and heading to the office. When we arrived there, I saw the rest of the gang there.

"What's up," Ray asked as he walked over to Phil and Lance.

"I don't know. we were called here too," Phil said.

We were all talking amongst ourselves when we heard a loud, "HELLO MY BEAUTIFUL CHILDREN!!!"

We all turned to see that it was Jimmy. With Zacky and Matt behind him.

"Jimmy! Zacky! Matt!," We all said before we all ran over to them and gave them all a hug.

"What the fuck man?! You did all this?" Ray said, looking over at them all.

"We wanted you to come to the barbecue. And we do need out two guest of honors," Zacky said, looking back and forth from Ray and I.

"Guest of honor?" We asked together.

"Can't say anymore. Now......BLINDFOLD THEM!!" Jimmy said.

Before Ray and I knew it, we were both blindfold.

"Don't worry, it'll be all over in a few minutes," I heard Matt's voice.

Oh boy, what have we gotten ourselves into.
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