Status: active

Take My Hand

Chapter 7- Ray

"What the hell are you guys doing?" I asked as I felt like I was being lifted and placed into a seat.

"Don't worry about it,Ray," I heard Matt said, "It'll all be over real soon."

I scowled behind the blind fold and leaned back. It was silent before I heard the the roar of an engine start and being jolted forward. I could feel Sam try to bury herself into my side and I put my arm around her shoulders.

"It's going to be okay. They won't hurt us. I promised," I whispered into her ear as I ran my hand up and down her arm.

Sam nodded and put her head onto my shoulder. We were all quiet for a few seconds before we suddenly jolted forward.

"WE'RE HERE!!" Jimmy yelled out.


"NOOOO!!!" Jimmy yelled and it seemed to be going farther and farther away.

"Alright. C'mon," I heard Matt say as he helped me out of the the car.

"What about-" I was going to say before he cut me off.

"Don't worry. Zacky's has her," Matt said as I heard a door open and feet on tile floor.

There was a few minutes of silence before we all stopped. I felt hands at the back of my head and was suddenly blinded by the sun.

As my eyes adjusted, I heard a really loud, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY RAY AND SAM!!!"

Looking around, Sam and I saw that the Avenged boys had set up in one of there back yard a small party for us. Looking around, I was that the boys girlfriends were also there, standing next to there men.

"Oh my God!" Sam exclaimed, "I thought you were going to murder us and chop us up and eat us to get our awesomeness!"

"NO! We could never do that cause you are as awesome as Stallion Duck!" Jimmy said as he hugged Sam and lifted her up.

Sam laughed and hugged him back.

"So now that your here, let me introduce you to everybody," Zacky said as he slugged an arms around each of our shoulders," This here is Val, Matt's girlfriend. Next to her is Michelle, her twin sister. Over there by the pool is Lacey, Johnny's girl. And next to her is Lexi, Jimmy's new girlfriend. And last, but not least, is my girl, Gena."

When we stopped in front of Gena, I instantly knew that she hated us right away. She basically had fake everything. I shuddered at her fakeness.

"Hello! I heard so many good things about the two of you!" Gena exclaimed, plastering a fake smile on her fake lips.

She held out her hand and I shook it in one quick movement. She extended her hand to Sam, who didn't take it. Instead, she said a quick 'hello' and looked at everyone else instead of her. I saw Gena's eyes turn into slits and a glint in her eyes.

This evening should be interesting.
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