Status: I'm Writing!!!

What If I'm Afraid to Love Again

Charlie Swan

So here I am after 2 days of driving I’m finally in La Push, nothings changed really still the same old bucket of rust nothing to do and lots of green there were way too many trees if you ask my opinion but anyway I’m going of track. I had bought a house not far from La Push beach. I loved the ocean so I thought it made sense to buy a house near it. Once I had parked in the drive I grabbed by bags and quickly walked into the house. I had already had my furniture from my old house brought over here so I just had my clothes and important stuff I couldn’t send over. I found my way to my room and started unpacking my clothes and putting them in the closet and let me tell you it took forever I have a lot of clothes and when I mean a lot I mean a lot (so what I have a slight addiction to shopping don’t judge me). After I had finished unpacking I decided I needed something to eat and I didn’t have anything in the house so I grabbed my purse and keys and made my way out to the car I couldn’t be bothered to cook so I would drive to the diner and eat there.

After I parked I walked into the diner to find it was practically empty there was a lady behind the counter talking to a man with a moustache in a police uniform so I sat in one of the stools and looked at the menu the waitress came over to me and said “Hiya doll what can I get ya” “Um I’ll have a hamburger and fries with a coke please” “Sure no problem I’ll bring it over to you once its done”. I said thank you and waited for my food to arrive not 5 minutes later my food arrives so I started eating. I noticed the man in the police uniform make his way over to me he sat in the stool to the side of me, he smiled and said “You knew here I can’t remember seeing you around before” “ I lived on the rez when I was younger but moved away to live with my aunt in New York”. Okay so I lied but I partly told the truth I did live in New York but I ran away and I didn’t live with my aunt but he didn’t need to know that. “Oh well then welcome back I’m Charlie Swan chief of police in Forks nice to meet you” “ I’m Sienna Reese, nice to meet you to Charlie” “ Ah I know the name now your Paul Reese’s little sister I remember you know its been a good few years since you’ve been home, I’m sorry to hear about your dad Hun” I instantly froze of course he didn’t realise that I didn’t really care that my dad committed suicide after what he had done to me but I smiled a small awkward smile and shook my head and said “Its fine” “Well If you ever need anything just drop by the station and I’ll be there whenever I can” “Thanks Charlie I appreciate it, well I best be off back home lots of unpacking to do I’ll see you later Charlie” “Okay then well I hope you feel right at home again I’ll see you when I see you and Welcome Home”.

With that I walked out back to my car and drove the short distance home. I parked in the driveway and made my way inside. Since I was still in my outfit from arriving and I was so tired and I couldn’t be bothered to change my clothes I decided to go to bed in these. So I went to the bathroom brushed my teeth and put my hair up in a messy bun. I welcomed the warmth from the covers and went of into deep thoughts of what tomorrow would bring. I have one word for you. Paul.
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2nd Chapter, Not very good but i'm just introducing the characters will get better soon.