Status: Newww

Flight on Broken Wings (Andy Six)

Fallen Angel

I sat on the beach and watched my friends play in the water. So what I was depressed and there was nothing i could do about it. My mum didnt care she was too busy with Daniel at the moment there probably getting ready for the family meeting and mums probably getting excited for the rest of the family meeting Daniel and Andy.

Little did my family know i didnt want them to meet Daniel, he would just act like the sweet inocent guy, the family guy that gets along with every and can share laughs with, but in the end you cant rely on him, you cant tell him anything, he cant keep such a big secret from mum that he has been beating me up, when she's not looking or there.

"Hey" said Andy taking the seat on the sand next to me, "how did you know i would be?" i asked, "I just knew you would be, cause your upset with my dad" he told me, "im not depressed" i lied, "I think i know you" he told me, i smiled up at him and gave him a hug.

"Your dad and my mum will eventually get married and we will just move out and become so unpopular that we will have no friend and we will die a slow painful death" i told him, he chuckled, 'you know my dad wont marry your mum" he told me, "why?", "because this will be my dads third marrige and he still hasnt signed the devorce papers" he told me, "great" i laughed, "so how what do we do?" i asked, "you just keep doing what you do and i will do what i do, he will remember and he wont be smart guy after all" he told me smiling down at me, i nodded, "so do i still get to go on tour with you?" i asked, "depends what your mum and my dad say, I laughed.

I got up with Andy and say goodbye to my friends.

When we got home everyone was here eating lunch, laughing and talking. Plus my cousins were here too, oh they must have had another kid.

"Andy can I speak to you in the kitchen?" i asked, "sure, Matisse" he said loudly, I pulled him into the kitchen, "there's something you need to know", he raised an eyebrow, "Okay so my cousins are Indiana whose fifteen, she pretty nice once you get to know her, but she's a cry baby and she's pretty dumb to, so during a conversation you would probably hear of lot of 'What do you mean, by that?', then there's Ashleigh she's indiana's twin but she is not as dumb and she's way prettier and easier to get alone with, and then they have a little brother called Billy whose thirteen he's a nice kid but he has weird phobias" i told him, he laughed again, "anything else?" he asked.

"Yes, our other cousins are Steven who is sixteen, there's really nothing wrong with him, he loves art and music and Autum his older sister whose seventeen, is really pretty but shy, she loves photography, drawing and shopping, plus music" i explained.

"Our cousins are just Hayley whose sixteen as well as Joey whose the same age and then there's Alice whose the oldest at seventeen" he explained, I nodded, "oh and Indiana's parents had a little bably girl called Cody i think her name is and shes around six months" i added. we both nodded, "we need ask our parents about the tour".


So there's nothing worse than sitting with you whole family but your grandparents at a big table in the dining room, "So i think i might go on tour with Andy's band" I began telling everyone, "well thats just wonderful" said Indiana, i smiled at her, "depends what mum and dad say though" i told everyone as i looked at mum, "okay you can go, but who, what, when, where?" mum wanted to know the details.

"Okay, i wanna go to will andy's band, Christofer Drew and Bring me the Horizon, The Fallen Angel Tour, September fifteen, we go on the Black Veil Brides tour bus" I explained, "thats two days after we get back from Australia" said mum, "yeah i know, but can i go?" i asked, she looked at Daniel, "okay".

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sorry its short, but at least i updated, this weekends updates will be:
Black Key's

I will update So take a Risk, Take her Wrist later on this week.