
Half Hour Meetings.

The Glee Club. I think it could be the stupidest club ever invented, next to Chess. So please, tell me why I was sitting in glee club with the rest of my family? Oh, that's right, they all wanted to join. I wasn't going to go and be by myself in another group. Actually, I had no choice. Carlisle said none of us could be alone, and everyone chose the stupid glee club.

Mr. K, as he liked us to call him, strolled into the room. "How's everyone today?" He asked, rubbing his hands together. Many different responses were heard throughout the room, like 'good', 'tired', etc. I had the urge to shout pissed off, but I didn't really want attention on myself right now. Which was completely unusual. "Good." Mr. K turned toward the white board. "Current Songs." He said as he scribbled down with a blue dry erase marker. "Someone tell me what this means." He glanced around as 3 hands rose in the room. "Alright, Ben." Ben looked up surprised and quietly slipped his phone back into his jacket. "I-I didn't have my hand raised." He stuttered. "I don't care, I'm pretty sure you can figure it out. Now tell me, what is a current song?" "A song that's...current." Mr. K looked disappointed in his answer, but honestly, it's exactly what I would've said. "Well I guess that can work. A current song is one that has been released by a popular artist in the past year or two, and has made the top 40 list." "Wouldn't that just be called a popular song?" Emmett spoke up from beside me. Several kids chuckled, and Mr. K sighed. "Yes, it can also be called a popular song, Emmett. But back to my point. Will someone please tell me an example of a current song?" Alice's hand shot up. "Yes, Alice?" He looked relieved to call on someone who could give him a worthwhile answer. "Bad Romance, by Lady Gaga." "Yes, certainly!" He smiled. Of course she would've picked Lady Gaga, she loves her. "Anyone else?" No one else raised there hands, I had a feeling they were all tired from the assembly for tonight's game.

"Okay, well, for next meeting, which is Thursday, pick a song that is current you will sing to the class. And this time, EVERYONE will pick and sing a song." He glared at me. I glared right back, I mean why would I want to sing? Waste of my time. "Alright, meeting over." He said and left the room. I looked at the clock. 3:30. What was the point of a meeting that was only half an hour long? I followed Emmett outside and hopped into the passenger seat of his Jeep. Alice and Jasper climbed into the back, and Edward, Bella, Nessie, and Jacob climbed into Edward's new Volvo. "What song are you guys gonna pick?!" Alice asked, pratically bouncing in her seat. "I don't know. I was thinking Miley Cyrus. You know, I CAN'T BE TAAAAAMED!" Emmett joked, singing purposely off key. "I was thinking something by The Black Keys." Jasper stated. Alice nodded and looked toward me. "What about you Rose?" I shrugged. "I dunno." "Well, even as pessimistic as you are, I'm sure you'll find something."

I ignored her and her excessive talking the rest of the ride home, and as soon as we made it into the house, I hopped in the shower to get away from all them. I stepped out and was drying my hair with a towel when I heard Edward's voice downstairs. "Who the hell knows what she'll pick, but either way, I think we should boo her." "Yeah," Alice said quietly. "She doesn't even want to be in glee, we all know that from her complaining, so why not?" They all quietly agreed and I felt anger building up inside me. So that's what they thought? Just because I sometimes bitched and moaned about it to get out of it, they thought I should be boo-ed? Some family. I wondered for a moment if Emmett was down there too, but I couldn't hear his deep voice among them, so I figured he went out for a hunt. But when he got back, he would help me pick the perfect song to sing, and then there was no way they could boo me.
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Yeah, I got some ideas from Glee here, which isn't owned by me....at all. Also the title of this story is from Justin Bieber's song 'Overboard' featuring Jessica Jarrell, and I don't own that either.
But please review (: