Status: Pickles

Young Forever


Blow the candles out
Looks like a solo tonight
I'm beginning to see the light
Blow the candles out
Looks like a solo tonight
But I think I'll be alright
-Candles by Hey Monday

I guess to the untrained eye the seven teenagers sitting on the soft sand of Huntington Beach the night before school was going start, was perfectly normal. To anyone else it was something more than that, something full of sorrow and regret. The teenagers sat, looking at the waves crash against the sand in an on-going battle and the sun lighting the sky on fire. Finally she spoke.
“We survived one year. Why can’t we survive another?” her voice was full of false hope. She could picture the next day, waking up and going to school to see all of her band mates. Ronnie laughed.
“Fauna,” The use of her first name was like a slap in the face. “We only survived because we had each other. Now were breaking up. It’s over.” The boy next to him put his head on Fauna’s shoulder. Fauna stroked the boy’s hair and began to sing to him.
“If Heaven and Hell decide that they both are satisfied illuminate the ‘no’s’ on their vacancy signs. If there's no one beside you when your soul embarks then I will follow you into the dark.” Fauna’s voice was like crystal, worn with pain, and cracking from tears.
The boy on her shoulder lifted his head and kissed her cheek. “Fauna don’t cry.” he said.
She sighed and looked at her former band mates. Ronnie, Dax, herself, Bennet, Izze, Kiro, and Talen, they all looked so young, she thought. Ronnie and Dax would have each other. They didn’t have to worry about losing their love. Bennet and Izze, have never lived more than two miles away from each other. Their mothers made sure of it. They’ve been bound since birth. Kiro and Talen sometimes seem the youngest of them all, so pure and so innocent. They both have religious parents and are being transferred into Catholic school after their only year in public school.
And then there’s Fauna. Born and raised in Huntington Beach, California. Her parents were too in love with the sun to move and they wanted their child to go to the same schools as them. They wanted her to stay in the same place. In a world with so many things changing, they wanted to control something for their only child. A few more tears slid down her face.
“It’s only been a year.” Bennet reminded her. “And it will only be the school year until we get together for the entire summer. We can call-“
“And write!” Izze put in. “There’s Facebook, Tumblr-“
“TWITTER!” Talen and Kiro said simultaneously.
“We will always keep in touch.” Dax said stroking her face.
Fauna sighed. She heard all of this before. “I know. I don’t want to lose my Ultra Violet Sound, though.”
Ronnie wrapped his arm around Dax. “We’ll always be UVS, Firework.” Fauna-the-Firework smiled.
“That’s it!” Kiro said hopefully. She hates to see Fauna sad. “Smile!”
“I love you guys.” Fauna said. There was a collective ‘aww’ and a ‘we love you to Firework’ before six different ring tones sounded. The teenagers pulled their phones out of there, shoes, bras, or pockets to answer the calls and texts. The all groaned, making Fauna feel out of place for not getting a message.
“I have to go.” Ronnie said.
“Us, too.” Bennet said. They all stood. Fauna let the tears cascade down her face.
“I l-love yo-you gu-ys.” She choked out. The girls took one look at her and started crying with her. “Group hug!” The teenagers spent what seemed like one breath in a group hug before they were rushed off by various people and into various cars, calling out promises to the only girl left behind. Dax looked back; he couldn’t bear the look on her face. Fauna helped him come out to his parents, to the school, and she helped him find the love of his adolescence. He ran down the beach to Fauna.
He gripped her arms and looked into her eyes. “Remember, Firework. Remember, we will be forever young. Forever together. Forever with each other.” She sniffled and nodded her head. He smiled and kissed her cheek before letting her go and running back to his boyfriend.
Fauna watched them go and she waited until their car was completely out of her vision before dropping her bag and shoes and running into the water. The warm salt water washed away her tears, just like it did every time school started in the fall. Every year people left. Every year more came. She walked out of the water and grabbed her things, taking one last look at the summer sun fading into the horizon.
‘Goodbye summer. Goodbye Ultra Violet Sound.’ she thought as she turned around and headed into the dark, into eighth grade.
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Yay!! New stories are so much fun!.
What's new with me? The meanie at my school who always takes my 'I <3 Boobies bracelet just got put in jail for selling cocaine. Fun times! I have the article link, ask if you want. Comment? Subscribe? OliveLovesYou<3