Status: Active

The Housewives of Avenged

Natalie Sullivan, pleased to meet you... I think?

Being Jimmy’s wife was hard work at times. He was constantly hyper active and rarely took anything seriously. However I loved him and wouldn’t swap him for the world. He was loyal and honest. I trusted him with everything. Realistically we wouldn’t be married nearly six years if I didn’t trust him. After six years you would think that I would be use to him going off on tours and leaving me alone. Well I’m not. I still feel my heart break when he gets on that bus and the four other Avenged wives and I are left standing waving them off. I guess it helped that I was so close with Kala and Bri.

Kala was easy to get on with. There was no two ways about it! Kala was gorgeous. She was slender, but her body had a perfect hour glass shape, she had eye’s I would kill for. They were Dark and matched her naturally dark hair. All of this was only emphasized by her perfect Californian tan.

However it was easy to get the on the wrong side of Kala, and trust me it was the last thing you would do. I’m not going to lie, her family are heavily involved in the mafia and Kala herself was an ex-playboy bunny. Once she met the guys she handed that all in and took a more ‘active’ role in the family business.

Bri was a natural leader, she and Syn were perfect for each other. Bri was like Kala, perfectly tan and a perfect body. Bri however was skinnier than Kala. I think Kala had extra muscle she had from the days she spent modelling and now she needed to stay fit for her job. Bri had dark Black hair and was small. She wasn’t a midget like Johnny was, but she was small compared to the rest of us. She too was one who's bad books you didnt not want to get into. For people who hurt her friends or her family... lets just say Bri was one to watch for a bit.

They were two perfect Californian Girls. I however stuck out like a sore thumb. I was pale. How? I hear you ask... you live in California! I’m a natural red head; we don’t tend to be very tan. If I try to tan I just burn. I don’t mind. I quite like being pale. I had green eyes. They weren’t striking like Zack’s they were pale and almost blue at time. I had freckles across the bridge of my nose and across my checks. I looked like I belonged somewhere cold not somewhere hot and beautiful like California. I however didn’t mind in the slightest. I stood out from everyone else.

So here we were three days away from tour sitting outside a little cafe drinking coffee and tea talking about our ‘plans’ to start families.

“I know he wants kids, it’s just these damn tours and media attention always seem to get in the way.” Sighed Bri. “I’m tired of just sitting around waiting but what else can I do?”

“Well babe, at least you know what Brian wants; I’m constantly getting divorced and remarried to Zacky.” Kala laughed slightly amused by her ever so complicated relationship status. Her words had a heavy New York accent to them.

I blew out perfect rings of smoke and stubbed my cigarette out in the glass ash tray i had provided.
“I’m going to be honest; I don’t think Jimmy even wants kids. He’s really not bothered about a family. Keeps saying that I’m all he needs. It breaks my heart, because i think that’s all any woman wants is to have a kid there to call her momma.” I muttered frustrated and saddened by the situation.

“Well I feel cheered up,” Bri smiled sarcastically. “Let’s do something... anything” she whined.

“Mall?” I suggested.

Both girls got up and lifted their bags, so I presumed we were headed for a day of shopping.

I threw two fifty dollar bills inside my little wallet where the waitress had left my check, know that would cover my tip and the cost of my lunch.. I threw my bag in to the trunk and climbed into my brand spanking new BMW X5 in white.

When we pulled up to the Mall I parked as close to the door as possible. We got out and headed straight for Victoria Secret. Kala and Bri went straight to the lingerie and I went to swim wear. Before i knew it I had my arm filled with sweats, new bras and swim wear I had a couple of new baby dolls and new underwear. It was safe to say that my bank account was three hundred dollars lighter after V.S and I hadn’t even got near Pac Sun yet. We shopped around collecting bags like a magpie collecting shiny objects. I was ready to drop by the time we got to sit down in the food court. We each got something to eat and chatted, each of us just enjoying each other’s company.

“What time did Brian say they hoped to be out of the meetings tonight?” i asked before i got ideas about the nights festivities.

“I think he said something about getting home at six today.” Bri grinned obviously having the same idea I was.

Judging by the look on Kala’s face she too was having the same brain wave. We picked up our mounds of bags and quickly raced to the car. We left each other at our cars and assured each other we would call each other tomorrow to arrange some last minute details before tour started.

Nearly every day was spent in Malls or at coffee shops gossiping and passing time. I was getting to a stage now where i was nearly twenty nine. I was ready to have kids and stop all this spending money on myself. I wanted a little girl or boy to spoil rotten.

When I got home I raced up stairs and put away the new stuff I had bought and left out the new blue leopard print bra and thong set, I pulled my hair into a messy bun and hopped into the shower, quickly doing what needed done before getting out and changing. I pulled on my silk bathrobe. I heard the door slam about half an hour later. I threw my old copy of catcher in the rye on my bedside locker. I stood up and let the bathrobe all to the floor. I could hear Jimmy’s footsteps get louder. I let my natural curls fall messily around my face and lay across the bed.

“Natalie...Babe where are...” His voice stopped when he opened the door and saw me. I smirked as his big blue eyes went wide. Well tonight would be fun...