Status: Active

The Housewives of Avenged


Running my left hand through my hair I sighed as I heard the bus door slam shut after Kala and Bri’s fight, Kala storming off as a result no doubt. Don’t get my wrong, I love those girls, separately and together, but personally there was only so much arguing that I could take amongst us all. I had never been one for confrontation, and never have I myself gotten into an argument with one of these girls, I tried to do my best at making sure I never gave reason to. But I could tell this tour was going to change something in us all, personally and in our relationships. I just hoped it would all be for the better in the end.

“Alex?” I turned away from the clothes I had been organizing for him and smiled as he walked up and wrapped his arms around my waist. I gave him a quick peck on the lips, which wasn’t difficult as I was only about five inches shorter than him and was currently wearing three inch wedges. I patted and rubbed both his arms as I pulled away from his embrace to continue what I was doing.

“Are you going to go and talk to Kala?”

“In a minute, you know she needs to cool down, and I don’t need my head bitten off. Not today.”

While folding another one of his shirts I felt him wrap his arms around me from behind and lightly place a kiss to my exposed shoulder. “Y’know you could leave with us, spend the whole tour with me, then you wouldn’t be this upset.”

“I’m not upset-”

“Alex, c’mon, I know how you get when I leave for tour and you’re not leaving with me. You take care of me, make sure I have everything, because then you’ll be less worried; if you didn’t do all that you’d freak out and call me frantically and go over a check-list with me, not that I’ve ever minded.” He said chuckling into my shoulder. “Then, once the bus pulls away, you’ll go home and put on that shirt you stole from me after our fifth date and eat Ben and Jerry’s ice cream while you watch Supernatural to get your mind off it all, since we both know that those things come in a close second with your love for me, right?”

I laughed lightly and spun around in his arms to face him once more, “How did I get so lucky to be married to a man like you, Johnny Seward?”

“Let’s see, because I’m a persistent asshole, and I wasn’t about to let the most gorgeous girl I’ve ever laid eyes on get away from me.” He flashed me a shit eating grin, the one that I loved so damn much, before attaching his lips to mine. I brought my arms up and wrapped them around his neck, my fingers tangling in the little hair that was there before I pulled away pecking his lips lightly one more time and resting my forehead against his.

“Я любовь Вы.” He whispered the only Russian phrase I ever taught him to me before he pulled away from the embrace this time. “Now you might want to go and talk to Kala.”

“I love you too.” I quickly made my way toward the front of the bus, but not before telling him I’d be right back. As I walked through the front, everyone seemed to just be in a state of quiet shock from the argument that had unnecessarily erupted. I brushed a strand of hair behind my ear as I kept my head down, knowing that everyone was watching me as I passed through because it was obvious I was about to talk to Kala. Once I stepped off and closed the door behind me I looked to my right and saw her standing there against the bus, arms crossed over her chest.

“I’m not going on that tour. Not if I’m going to get treated like that.” She said to me without looking up from the spot she was staring at on the ground.

“I’m not here to try and convince you. You do what you feel is best for yourself and your relationship with Zack. I just want to make sure that you’re okay, are you?”

“I will be.”

“Look, the only thing I can offer as advice is that maybe you just don’t leave with them right away, y’know? I mean if you wanted we could work it that you meet up with them in two weeks like I had planned to. That way you get some time to yourself, time to think, and then have a great time on tour with everyone.”

“I don’t know, maybe.” Kala uncrossed her arms and pushed herself away from the bus so she could look at me. Looking at her right now I could tell she was going through something I didn’t know about and it was taking a toll on her. “Do you think that’s a good idea? I mean I did I just fight with Zack, so maybe..” Her sentence floated away from her and she took a deep breath looking to me awaiting my opinion.

“Well you still have a few minutes to think it through, cause once we get on that bus the next stop is my cafe and after that it’s the highway. Then your chance will be gone.” She simply nodded her head, clearly already weighing her options. Without word I stepped forward and wrapped my arms around her and told her things always have a way of working themselves out, she just needed to keep her chin up. She hugged me back and I could feel her nodding her head along before she said a quick thank you.

Leaving it at that I made my way back onto the bus, “Everything alright out there Prima-donna?” Matt asked me, using a nickname the guys had given me a while back, a play on my family’s name of Primakov. I simply shrugged my shoulders. There really wasn’t any way of knowing the answer to that with this group.
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Well here's my first contribution (;
Hope you all enjoy it, and thank you for letting me jump on and be a part of this.

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Just wanted to mention that I am hosting an Avenged Sevenfold contest. Check it out here!