Status: Active

The Housewives of Avenged

Hoping for the best but expecting the worst.

Marriage was no walk in the park, we all knew this. Marriages needed to be worked at and taken care of. However at times we all got the impression that Bri and Brian were perfect all the time, so I can understand why someone like Kala got so frustrated by this. Hell it frustrated me sometimes. However those two need to put things like this aside if they were going on tours together. It didn’t just affect them and their husbands, it affected Jimmy and me, it affected Matt and Megan and it sure as hell affected Johnny. Their behaviour was selfish and childish. However we knew better than to get involved. It would eventually blow over but until then we would just have to put up with the uncomfortable atmosphere and do our best not to aggravate the two hot headed girls any further.

Seeing Bri go off like that made me slightly nervous. It was no secret she wanted to be the first one to get pregnant. I was afraid because I had been throwing up a lot lately, but only in the morning, at first I thought it was maybe just a tummy bug, then I found the smell of coffee absolutely revolting and my period was late. So Jimmy and I made an appointment at the hospital and we were greeted with the news that in nine short months we would be parents.

I was scared because knowing Bri she would attack me with words instead of being the friend I needed. Right now the last thing I should be worried about is how my friend is going to react.

We sat there just Jimmy and I in each-other’s arms. Saying nothing; because nothing needed to be said.

“Jimmy, I’m scared.” I whispered

“Baby don’t worry, we won’t say anything until you’re ready.” He assured me kissing my forehead.

“Bri is going to hate me forever after this.” I whined starting to feel sick.

“No she won’t, she might appear a little upset but she will be there when you need her.” He smiled

“I don’t want to hide this Jimmy I mean I’m six weeks gone, I know we still have a long wait, but pretty soon, I’m going to start to show and I don’t want to be in a worse position then. I think we need to tell them.” I sighed

“Whatever you think best, I’m right beside you.” He grinned

I got up and crawled out of the bunk.

“I need to pee, but seems like there’s no time like the present.” I grimaced and walked away to the small cubical on the bus that would be our bathroom. I did what had to be done, cleaned up and walked out to find that Jimmy had already gathered the five people remaining on this bus.

He held out his hand and I took a deep breath. I nodded up at him and he grinned.

“Well we have some new for you guy’s, we were going to leave it longer but we decided that because of living arrangements at the moment it’s best just to put it out there.” He said starting to prepare everyone for the news. “Natalie’s pregnant.” He finished grinning like a fool.

Everyone got up and began to congratulate us. There was smiles and hugs from everyone. Everyone except the person I expected to be angry and by the look on her face, it was obvious she wasn’t happy.