Status: Is Getting Somewhere But Needs You People To Comment! kTHXbye


You Don't Understand

''You don't get it though, Mikey. You can't just shut him out like that.''


''I'm sorry for shouting at you, but last night he said he needed help, which means we need to see him through this, right?''

''Fine, but if he fucks this band up, I'm not talking to him again.''

''Mikes, you know he wants this as much as any of us. Give him a chance, alright?''

Silence again.

Mikey sighed. ''You're right. I'm sorry. I'll talk to Ray as well.''

''And Bob.''

''Yes, Frank, and Bob.''

I ended the call and slipped my phone back into my back pocket, carrying a cup of coffee for Gerard and I back into our bunk rooms.

I thrusted the cup into his chest. ''Thanks.'' Gerard breathed. I nodded and sat beside him on the bed.
''You know, Gee,'' I said, shaking my head, ''you look like absolute shit.'' It wasn't true. I didn't think it could really ever be true unless he smashed his head in with a hammer. He'd never really be ugly. Ever.
Even when he was covered in that fake blood-shit we used for shows, I still found him incredibly sexy.
''Thanks, dude.'' Gerard retorted, sarcastically. ''Not so bad yourself.''

I chuckled. ''You gonna' get a shower, or shall I go first?''

''You go.''

I got up off the bed and put the half empty cup of coffee on the bedside table. ''You lazy ass.'' I quipped, before making a beeline towards the bathroom.

''You suck.'' I heard Gerard call before I closed the door behind me, running both hands through my hair before undressing and stepping beneath the scolding water. Gerard was a fucking handful. That was for sure.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, this is me and Deanna's new frerard, tell us what you think,
we promise it will get more interesting!
Love you all. xo, G.