Status: Is Getting Somewhere But Needs You People To Comment! kTHXbye


I Wouldn't Front The Scene If You Paid Me

Okay, my first sober show since, well, forever. Really nervous.

"Frank, can't I just have one." I turned and whispered to Frank. He looked up at me.
"No," He shook his head. "You can't. We don't have any anyway." I raised my view to Mikey, Bob and Ray behind him, each had a can in their hand.

Sure, Frank, sure.

Frank turned around.

I watched as he had a little fit getting the cans off the others and threw them into the darkness.

Aha, funny. He looks so cute. Wait what am I thinking, no he's no cute he's my best friend. It's weird to think of him as cute. A shiver ran up my spine. There has GOT to be something wrong with me, nobody thinks like that about their best friend.

Ending my retarded thoughts, I made my way to the stage, my heart in my throat. I looked on the stage as the fans screamed, staying hidden behind an amp and chewing part of my hair that was long enough to reach my mouth, I looked out at them.

Why the hell am I hiding? God I really am losing it

I spat my hair out and returned to the others.

Frank had now got rid of any beer within a mile radius, the others stood there bored drinking some water that had appeared from somewhere. I began to tap my foot impatiently.

"Are we on yet?" I asked to no one inperticular. Some sound guy answered.
"The support band haven't been on yet."
"Okay, thanks." I quickly walked towards Frank and the others.

Now the sound guy thinks that I'm stupid, perfect.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's so short
I wasn't sure what to put
but G was rushing me
because apparently being ill isn't an excuse for not updating or going on facebook -.-
Comment or you'll make G cry- no she's just getting angry...
Love ~D~
seriously someone just write like one comment.