Status: Is Getting Somewhere But Needs You People To Comment! kTHXbye


On And On And On And On.

Well he didn't fuck it up like Bob said he would.

"Bob, I swear you have got to be the biggest pessimist I've ever met. He didn't do to bad, and we all know Gerard can sing while he's sob -better when he's sober. So why did you think he would fuck it up?" I questioned Bob on the way back to the tour bus, the others were somewhere behind us.

"I dunno" He shrugged, "nerves?"

"You need your head checked" I laughed nudging his arm. He shrugged, again.

Anti-social much?

We walked back in silence.

"Let me have a go! I can probably get past score 10 now I'm sober!" Gerard shouted at Mikey and Frank as they started scrapping on the floor over an xbox controller.

"Guys, maybe we should just bin COD world at war, all you do is fight over who goes on zombie mode." I called joking around

"No-no," Frank shouted giving Gerard the controller. "Look mommy, we be good and share." He said, coming close and giving me puppy dog eyes.

"What the fuck, Frank, I ain't your mom!" I said and walked out the room into the bed room."

Bob was laid on his bed like some loner kid with no friends.

"What's up with you? Did someone die?" I asked.

"Nothing and no, why does there have to be a reason to lay on my bed and not do anything?" I said being defensive of his loner-ness.

"You look like some wanna be emo teen... Why don't you go socialize with the children" I joked, sometimes I wonder if they really do see me and Bob as parents, they often call us mom and dad.

"I can't do this anymore, I'm not the dad of any of those morons." He said back turning over from me.

"You're not doing anything and they're not morons, what's gotten into you?" I asked confused out of my head.

"Gerard got into me." He said berly loud enough for me to hear.

"I'm sorry what? Is this because he's given up drinking?" I asked, but Bob gave no answer.

Nice just blank me out when I'm trying to figure out what's going on. I really do feel like someones mom now...
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes Ray you're my mum ^.^
I wrote mom through this because they're American
I personally think mum sounds better :)
I used world at war because I like it better than black ops :)

thank you to HorrorPop for commenting on this and my other story ;D
Love You People ^.^