The perfect one

Chapter 1

Sky Manson.that's me.Bad ass,sweet,wild bitch that walked this planet.i am popular for what i don't know,have amazing friends,kinda famous for various life is kinda complete.

well, technically, it seems like i have everything,but i don't. sadly. the only thing that will make everything having Justin.bieber. ever since we meet in the 9th grade.i always wanted to be with him.that would make things,we are pretty great friends.i always will be.wait! enough of this meeting crap.getting back to the story.

"BREAKFAST SKY!!" my mom yelled up the stairs.she sounded mad. her voice bounced of my walls into my ears. i groaned as i slowly raised out of bed."what the hell did i do now?" i said to myself,rolling my eyes.i slipped on my slippers and rob and headed down stairs. my mom was standing at the bottom of the stairs. i rolled my eyes and walked step by step down the stairs. i stopped right in front of her.

"yes?" i asked with an attitude.she just stared at me with a me with a furious look. i opened my eyes wide and got in her face. "come to the damn table..." she said turning away. i shrugged and followed her to the kitchen. i watched her pour juice in a huge cup. i walked to the fridge and grabbed and beer out the fridge. she saw me. "what the fuck are you doing getting a beer so NOW you drink?" she yelled. i huffed and turned around slowly.

"well mom....i am thirsty and this so happened to be here. so i am going to drink it" i said popping of the cap. " your ways could end you up in jail or out my house" she said walking over to me snatching the beer out my hand. "hey! i was drinking that!?" i said wiping off my mouth.

'you wish you can finish drinking this" she said tossing it in the trash. "why are you so psst?" i said grabbing a plate of bacon and eggs. "she slammed her fist on the counter. "you really want to know sky?" she said out her teeth.

"if you will?" i said irritated grabbing bacon off my plate. she walked over to my bag. she grabbed it and walked back over to me. "you know what i found in this in it?" she digging in it. "tell me what?" i said looking confused smiling. she dug in my bag. she took out my bra and thong with a condom wrapper. "what the hell where you doing or doing it with?" she shaking them in my face. "that really does not matter..." i said snatching it from her.

" does....i don't want you to be pregnant at this age...we cant AFFORD a child...i am kinda glad you used protection but your still having it!!" she lectured.

"yeahyeahyeah.." i said going back in the fridge. "seriously got to stop....your to wild.." she said turning away walking to the couch. i quickly grabbed a beer out the fridge and opened it. i guzzled half of it down. "like Miley Cyrus says,cant be tamed!!" i said singing the verse. " need to think about your fucked up life.." she yelled. i rolled my eyes and finish walking to my room.

i went on my laptop and went on Skype. Justin was on and Jim. i called them both. "hey bitch!" Jim yelled out in the screen. "hey shorty" Justin said. "hey Ho's!!" i said drinking a gulp out my beer bottle.

"drinking early i see?" Justin asked laughing. " Justin...You haft to face that she is a addict.." he said serious. "shut the hell up!!" i yelled. " you still coming to over to hang out with me,Shane and Jim?" he asked shy."yes bitch!!" i said smiling drinking more. "i still cant over the fact you a drinking this early..." Jim said laughing. " well,believe it Jim!" i said sticking up my middle finger in the camera." are with Stacy..moved up a level?" i asked. "yeah buddy!! i total hit it last night!!" he said making a satisfied face.

"o so you had sex with my best friend last night?" i said making it clear. "yes...and man was she good!!" Jim said excited. "wow.....are you just dating her to get in her pants?"Justin asked."no!!..." he said blushing. "good one Justin" i said chanting him on. he stuck his middle finger to me.

"right back at you!!" i said sticking mine up. "double times!!" Justin said sticking up both of his. we all laughed. "can i ask a question?" Jim asked. "what the is it now?" i said rubbing my hands together. "how trying just to get in Stacy pants when its obvious you want to get in justins pants!!' he said with a clear face. then it was silence. then Justin spoke."seriously Jim?" "well its true!!" he said laughing.

"its not funny!! least i didn't do some RANDOM girl in a bathroom stall!!' i said reminded him." now you wanna get down and dirty!?" he said smiling and laughing."i guess so Jim...guess so..." i said sticking my tongue all the way out. "we will Seattle this tonight at J's house...see ya you crazy bitches!!!' he said signing out. "guess its just me and you..." he said fixing his hair. "guess so" i said drinking the last drop of my beer.

"yeah..guess so..." i said tossing the bottle on floor. it cracked. it made a loud noise. "what the hell was that?" Justin said leaning in the camera. "i cracked my bed bottle.." i said smiling.

i got up and went to my closet. "where did you go?" he said laughing. "to get a shirt to wear?" i said walking out topless. "wow" he said. i saw him blushing. "looking for a show Justin?" i asked laughing. "you tell me?" he said winking. "o shut up Justin!!" i said slipping on the new shirt i got.
Soon i pulled up to Justin's house. Jim,Shane and him were standing there waving. i smiled at them.

i got out ready to have fun. "HEY GUYS!!" i yelled shutting my car door. i ran to them. i tackled all of them. we all landed on the grass. we all laughed. i rolled on to Justin. I think i caused a fight between Shane and Jim because when i looked over there the were wrestling.

my attention went back to Justin. "So ready to party?" i asked laughing. "you know it!!!" Justin said sitting up.i smiled and fixed the front of his hair. " hey look Shane!! Sky and Justin are about have their own little fun!!' he said walking over to us. "O REALLY Jim? this cant be happening!!" he said with a fake gasp.

my eyes widened. so did Justin's. we looked at each other. "Weren't we Justin? just go all out in public on this lawn!?" i said making 'play along'eyes to Justin. he nodded. "yeah Sky take your shirt off.." he said fake tugging on the bottom of my shirt. we both looked at each other then them.

they laughed and went in the house. i rolled of Justin and on to to the grass. he stood up. "here" he said extending out his hand. i smiled.i grabbed his hand and he helped me up. i looked at him. "take your shirt off?' i asked laughing making a funny face. he laughed. "you said play along!!' he said shrugging. "wish you could really do that" i said laughing.

"shut you crazy bitch.." he said slapping the back of my head. i gasped. he started to run to the house. i ran after him. his hat feel off while he was running. i caught it. then he made it to the front door. he tried to open it but he was to jittery. finally i made it to him. i hugged him from behind. he tried to release himself free but he made and epic fail.

"Sky!! what the hell are you doing?' he yelled in a playful way. "who the hell cares!!"i said putting on his hat.

i let go and we both went in the house. Jim and Shane were already drinking beer and talking. the turned around and saw us. "well,well,well..look who we have here?" Shane said taking a sip of his beer. "Our little sex buddies.." Jim said looking at Justin winking.

" shut the fuck up Jim" i said picking up a pillow and throwing it at hit his back causing him to slip off the counter. "dude....we are NOT sex buddies....we are just buddies...." Justin said walking to go get a beer. "hey Justin toss me one" i said taking off my jacket.

i Had on a low cut tank top that showed some of my boobs. and a star necklace that hanged over them.

" probl-" he stopped in his tracks he was looking straight at my boobs. i looked down at my own boobs. "what Justin?" i said laughing walking towards him. " have never seen your boobs so big......" he said blushing still looking. i started to laugh. i leaned towards his ears. "you really want to become true sex buddies....." i said all sexy. he blushed even harder.

"here's your beer......" he said smiling,shoving the beer in my hand. "thanks"i said winking. " don't you wanna suck sky's tits?" Shane said grabbing Justin putting him in a head lock and rubbing his head. i laughed and opened the cape to my beer. Justin and Shane were play wrestling. i watched.
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thanks for reading the first part of my story!! :3 leave comments about it!! <3 i will keep writing