The Plague of Popularity

Survival Of The Richest.

“Hey Ma.”

“Oh Frankie, honey, I thought you forgot and I’ve been so worried, your father had a small heart attack this morning, they’re not sure what’s causing all of these issues and I’m scared because they haven’t let me back up to see him. They’re not telling me anything and, who’s this?”

She glanced over at Mikey who gave her a small smile and a small wave.

“This is Mikey, Donna’s youngest; we went to the comic store, the one dad used to take me to all the time. Mrs. Bridge gave us each a free comic today. Said we had to promise to come back more and more though and I think I will.”

“Oh Mikey, my goodness, I know who you are honey, just with today and yesterday my mind is frazzled.”

“It’s understandable Mrs. Iero.”

“Heavens boy, call me Linda; makes me feel younger.”

She smiled at him and pulled us in for a hug. She needed comfort and she’d get it however she could.

“Mrs. Iero?”

My mother turned to a very worn out looking nurse.

“Your husband is back in his room; Dr. Holly is waiting for you there.”

This was it; I was going to see my father for the first time since hearing about his heart attack. I was glad Mikey was with me, I had someone other than my mother to confide in. My mother led us to the elevators and we went up three floors and down two white and shiny hallways that smelled too clean—as most hospitals do.

“It’s room 321 honey, I’m going to talk to Dr. Holly in the hall, you boys go in and say hello.”

I glanced at the room number and knocked on the door. I heard a muffled response and pushed it open. That huge curtain was pulled half-way around the bed so I had to walk further in to finally see my father’s form. I saw the outline of his feet and legs and his torso before finally seeing his face. He looked older and very worn out. He smiled as he saw his intruder was me.

“Frankie! How are you and who’s this?”

“I’m alright dad, this is Mikey, Donna’s son, one of my new friends.”

“New friend—what happened to Daniel and Travis?”

I heard Mikey cough behind me as I forced myself not to roll my eyes.

“We’re having an off day today.”

He didn’t question, I knew he wouldn’t. He’s never paid much attention to my life before.

“Is Mikey your friend or your boyfriend?”