The Plague of Popularity

You've Become What Everyone's Clawing For.

They all want what you have but they hate what you are. What the hell did that mean? I was the one guy that every other student wanted at their parties, I was the one guy that every girl batted her eye-lashes at—I was the one guy that everyone was envious of. I was a lot of things. Teachers adored me, the administrators adored me—everyone but Gerard Way adored me—and I couldn’t begin to tell you why that bothered me.

I went back to my history class, no longer caring about the current event we were discussing. I was stuck on the new kid. How could he just take everything that everyone—not just my friends—throws at him and act like nothing happens? I’d have retaliated, hit someone; surely I’d have punched someone in the face if they said even half of the things he’s told daily.

That’s probably it though, our peers aren’t that creative, using the same taunts daily. Meaningless to him but full of truth from them; I wanted to find him after school. I glanced at the clock, ten minutes till the end of the day—till I went home and was able to rid myself of the mockery I allow myself to do every day. My plan, however, was interrupted by an announcement—‘Frank Iero, please report the front office’.

I heard the ‘ooh’s’ of my peers and the jeers of my friends as I gathered my things and made the walk to the office. I hate the sound of my sneakers against the floor, it was so annoying, especially when you were the only person in the hall. I’m not sure why I’m being sent to the office, I’ve done nothing wrong. I finally pulled open the doors to be greeted with the site of Gerard and a skinny boy in glasses.

“Your mother called, your father had a heart attack at work, she said for you to stay with the Way family. I’m sorry Frankie, I hope your father is well. She said he was stable and awake when she called. Their mother has asked that you take them home.”

That lady never liked me and I can honestly say I’ve never liked her. How can you be so nonchalant about telling a kid their dad just had a heart attack and you get to take the living freak show and the geek home? Great, the bell just rang so it’s not like I can get away without being seen with them.
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Okay, so I didn't like where I originally had this story going so I'm redoing it. I hope you still like it?!