The Plague of Popularity

The Way You Make My Heart Race.

“Ma can we eat downstairs?”

Donna looked between Gerard and me, and smiled and nodded.

“Make a mess, and I swear Gerard Arthur that you’ll allow your brother to clean your room.”

“I’m allowed to do what?”

Mikey popped around the corner, he gave us smiles.

“Ma says if Frankie and me make a mess in my room, you’re allowed to clean it.”

Mikey’s eyes lit up.


I giggled at his reaction; Mikey was a neat-freak as I learned yesterday. Gerard’s room was anything but neat, or organized or anything other than chaos—pure chaos. Mine was constantly clean because of our housekeepers.

“Thanks Ma.”

Gerard carried both of our plates of food back down to his room. He headed to his bed, turning on the TV I hadn’t recognized, putting in a movie. One I’d learned he’d left in by accident. Moans and body parts flashed before my eyes [and ears] as he quickly put his plate down and rushed to turn off his movie.

“Sorry about that.”

I giggled and he turned pinker.

“You’re a teenage boy, it’s normal.”

He removed the VHS from the player, putting in another one—Batman. I haven’t seen this one in forever, you know, the one with the Penguin—my favorite. After we had eaten, he took the plates upstairs—I felt so lonely those few seconds he was gone.

You remember how I said there was one emotion that I felt—well I know what it is. I’m still very much afraid to actually admit that it is what it is; I don’t want to hurt him. I scooted closer to him, gently placing my head on his shoulder—he didn’t do anything.

A few minutes later, he reached for my hand and gave it a small squeeze as he interlocked our fingers. I turned to look at him, he had moved at just the same moment to look down at me—our lips touched.

He pulled me once more on top of his lap as he continued to massage my lips with his own. His hands roamed my body, one finding my hair, the other my lower back. He began rubbing small circles on my back as he fisted my hair. My arms were stuck between us.

I moved one hand to cup the back of his head while my other remained flush against his chest, feeling his heartbeat steadily grow faster. We made no sound as we let everything out in this kiss. What we felt—how we felt.

He moved his lips down my chin and along my jaw-line, attacking my neck once I moved my head to the side. My chest heaved with each breath I took—this was amazing. I’ve never felt like this before—ever.
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so i got one up today....i hope you enjoy it!

thanks for the comments and wishes of good luck...i really appreciate them!! =]

i got my test done today and i have to go back into the hospital tomorrow to finish up and then the waiting process's nothing really serious, it's just rather anxious on my end.......i've got work i'll more up tomorrow i do believe......please make sure you're reading every chapter....some are getting read more than others....if need be i can slow up...maybe just two updates a day instead of four like i've been doing......we'll see.