The Plague of Popularity

To Hide The Wreck Inside.

I ignored every phone call and every text from both Gerard and Mikey. I didn’t meet them in front of school the next day and I avoided sitting with them at lunch. I ate lunch in my car, alone, in the parking lot. I’m not sure if my father ever left his study last night and that worries me.

I know he loved my mother, he did marry her. He isn’t the type that wouldn’t not marry for love, no matter how shallow it may be. I could go back into school or I could go home. I was jolted by a tap on my window, turning to my intruder, I find Dan standing by my door.

I just ignored him, I didn’t need him or Travis belittling me or taunting me more than they already have. Five minutes later I heard another knock, I turned to flick off Dan, only to find Gerard standing by my door instead.

I rolled my window down and gave a small smile—an apologetic smile.


“What’s going on with you? Something happened yesterday between your parents, your mother was a wreck in our living room.”

I should’ve known Donna would take my mother in; she was the better person between the two.

“My father kicked her out—he knew she was cheating on him all along; he just didn’t know she hated me. She hit me last night.”

My door was opened and arms were wrapped around me. He was kneeling outside my car; he took one of my hands in his own. I wasn’t used to someone being there for me—it was a strange feeling.

He was my second best friend, and my boyfriend and I had completely shut him out and forgotten about him in my second, biggest moment of weakness. How could I be so stupid? So senseless? I launched myself onto his lap and pulled him to me as close as I could get him.

I broke down on him for the second time and he just held me. He just let me cry, letting out all of my emotions. My family—albeit a distant one—had fallen apart in the matter of mere moments and no one knew about it. I knew what I wanted to do.

“I want to go home.”

I saw him nod and take out his cell phone, texting someone before looking back at me. He cupped my cheeks in his hands and pulled me to him, giving me the sweetest kiss I’ve ever gotten.

“I’ll take you, Mikes knows to go home without me.”

He helped me up and walked me to the passenger side, opening the door for me before climbing into the driver’s side. He started my car and drove us to my house; I was surprised he had remembered the way.