The Plague of Popularity

The Way Your Lips Touch My Face.

He pulled me closer to him, pressing his lips against my forehead.

“I, I, well not everything, just what I feel for you.”

He moved a little, cupped my cheek as he brought my eyes to meet his own.

“You’re not the only one. I’ve never loved someone before, but I think I’m pretty close when it comes to you. I’m terrified I’m going to do something to screw it up, and I’ll leave you alone in this forsaken world we live in.”

His eyes never left mine as he spoke.

“I’m terrified because we haven’t even known each other that long, but it feels like I’ve known you forever. Frankie, you, you’ve taken over my every thought, my every dream; it’s like I have to be near you or I go out of my mind. Just one simple touch from you is enough and yet not at the same time.”

His hand was trailing up and down my arm, my back, and my chest as he spoke. Tingling trails were what was left behind each and every touch. Only he could do this to me—leave me feeling everything at the same time.

“I’m afraid I’m going to wake up one day and realize this has been nothing but a bittersweet dream and I’ll be at my old school with everyone taunting me the way they did. Or I’ll wake up and it’ll be the night, the, the night that I tried, that I, that I tried to take my life.”

I saw the tears building in his eyes and heard his voice hitch in his throat as he was pouring his heart out to me—my own eyes mirrored his own.

“Frankie, I’m not going anywhere, not unless you want me to.”

I watched as a small tear made its way down his beautifully sculpted—pale—cheek. I moved closer and kissed it away, tasting the saltiness of it on my lips. Have you ever been so in tune to someone that their every breath, their every movement, their every touch, was filled with what they feel for you?

Your own actions putting everything you’ve got into letting them know you feel the same—if not more? As we just lay there in each others arms, our breath mingling, our limbs entwined—I felt complete, I felt whole. We lay there in silence, there was only one thing I wanted to say to him and I was scared to.

My room was slowly submerging into the twilight of dusk. He had fallen asleep in my arms, I couldn’t feel more content than I do right now. I lowered my head, nuzzling it perfectly into the crook of his neck and mumbling those few words that I was so terrified to feel—I love you.
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check out my friend's story: Better Than You Can Imagine. (windinyourhair)