The Plague of Popularity

To Make Us Socially Acceptable.

Mikey had to use the bathroom so I showed him the one downstairs. I glanced out to the car, Gerard was bobbing his head and moving his lips—so he liked the Misfits too?

“You’ve got a nice house Frankie, can I call you Frankie?”

“Thanks and yeah. My ma calls me that all the time.”

We headed back to the car—after locking up the house of course. Gerard was still again, staring straight ahead. I smirked as I threw my bag in my trunk; so he wanted to play games. Mikey directed us to their house where I found my mother’s car sitting out front. I pulled up behind her car and noticed my mother’s form rush out of a very homey looking house.

I got out and got my bag as Gerard and Mikey said hello to ma and went inside. She pulled me into a hug.

“Daddy’s fine. I’m going back to visit him tonight, I wanted to make sure you were alright. You can come see him after school tomorrow, alright?”

I just nodded. My dad and I, well we weren’t close but we weren’t strangers either.

“Donna says Gerard’s room is the only one with an extra bed. You take that and I’ll be fine for tonight since I’ll be at the hospital. I just don’t want you alone, yes it’s the mother in me, but you’re my baby no matter how old you get.”

She kissed my forehead and I smiled at her. She lead me into the house, I finally—formally—met Donna. I’ve always talked to her on the phone. Ma said her thanks and bid us all goodbye before heading back to the hospital to see my dad.

“Pizza alright for dinner boys—well it’s going to be, that’s what we’re having.”

She bustled about the kitchen and Mikey started homework. Gerard just stood in the hall, almost as if he were apprehensive to talk to me.

“Want to see where you’ll be sleeping?”

I just shrugged and he turned to the door he was standing by. He opened and then I heard footsteps. Great, a basement room; he could murder me and no one would hear me scream. Iero, despite his lack of sportsmanship, be the better person. You judged him based by your peers as he’s judged you no doubt—judge him for himself now.