Status: Comments are inspiration for chapters <3

The City Girl

high school's the place where dreams go to die

I stood in front of the bathroom mirror, just staring into my eyes. What was I doing here, really? Cameron was here because he was in a band, a band that was just getting started. He needed to start making music, and I was in the way. I’m only here because Cameron is my boyfriend…and I had nowhere else to go. It was a risky choice, me coming here. Cameron and I could break up anytime, and I’d be homeless.

I wasn’t really mad at Cameron. Instead, I was disappointed. Disappointed that he had let Eric infuriate him like he had. There was no reason for them to be fighting; they were friends. And I was just ruining that. Ever since I came into the picture, I’d noticed that Cameron and Eric fought. Although I didn’t know Cameron before that night at the Canal Club, I was sure that he and Eric hadn’t always been fighting like this. How would you be able to form a band with someone that always angered you?

With a sigh, I took out my brush and began to brush through my long hair then putting it up in a messy, yet presentable, up-do. After putting on some light make-up and eyeliner, I opened the bathroom door and let out a light shriek. David was sitting on the ground in front of the door. With my hand on my heart and my breath heavy, I gave him a look that simply asked ‘What the hell are you doing?’

David stood up and looked me over. “Where are you going?”

Ah, I look like I’m going somewhere, don’t I. I hadn’t really been aware that I’d been dressing up; and I definitely didn’t know where I was going. What was there to do in this city? Back in Richmond, whenever I’d gone out it was usually to the Canal Club or the bakery. But now that I wasn’t there, and was instead in a foreign city, I wasn’t sure.

“I, uh, don’t really know.” I told him, staring at the ground. “You want to come with me?” At least David knows this city, he was born here—wasn’t he? I realized I didn’t know much about him. Perhaps this would be a good time to do that.

He began to stroke his non-existent beard in a pondering way. I giggled at his childishness. David stopped and nodded. “Yeah, sure. You’d probably get lost again anyways.” Rolling my eyes, I allowed him to hook arms with me and march me out of Cameron’s room. We walked through the living room, which was like walking through a really thick spider web. The tension in that room, with Cameron and Eric lying on separate couches was almost unbearable. I managed to give Cameron a light smile.

“We’re going out for a bit.” I told him, with a quick side-glance towards Eric. He was glaring at me. Why did he have to hate me so much?

“Yeah, I’m going to show Irie around town so she doesn’t get lost all the time!” David chimed in. He pulled me out the door and led me to his car. I climbed into the passenger side and shut the door. David turned on the radio, and one of his band’s songs began playing. I smiled.

“They must really like you here, huh?” I asked him. David grinned and nodded enthusiastically. I watched as he tapped his fingers on the steering wheel, in beat with the song.

“Where are we going?” I asked a couple minutes later. Although it probably hadn’t been that long, I felt as though we’d been driving for a half an hour. I’d never been good with car rides; I easily got motion sick or just boring of sitting.

David hesitated before telling me. “Oh, alright, it’s just a little bar. Really cozy place. We go there all the time. It’s really local too.” I raised my eyebrow at this. Did I really want to go to a place where everyone knew each other? It couldn’t hurt…perhaps I could make some friends.

Not a minute later, we pulled up to a small bar in town. The parking lot wasn’t that full, so David parked right near the entrance. We walked inside the bar, and I found myself drifting closer to David. People were staring at me, probably trying to figure out who I was and why I was with him. Then I heard a couple people shout their hellos to David and everyone turned away and continued their conversations. I let out a breath I hadn’t realized I had been holding.

We ordered drinks and found a small table near a back corner. David and I began to talk, about the most random of things, until someone walked over. He was a tall, muscular man with collar-length sandy blonde hair and what looked to be hazel eyes. It was hard to tell in the current lighting. This guy was absolutely gorgeous; I’m not going to lie. If I didn’t have a boyfriend I’d probably ask him to come home with me. But I do, and I won’t. I’m better than that and Cameron doesn’t deserve to be cheated on, ever.

“Hey, David. Who’s this? Your girlfriend?” The guy asked, never once taking his eyes off me. I began to feel uncomfortable under his stare. It seemed like he was looking at me like I was…well, a prize or a piece of meat.

“Actually, no, but—“ David began, but he was cut off.

“Well hey there gorgeous, I’m Aaron. And what’s your name?”

I seriously couldn’t believe this guy. First, he cuts of my friend then calls me some stupid pet name like I enjoy it. “I’m Irie.” I replied out of politeness, though I strongly wished that a hole would open up underneath him.

“That’s a fucking hot name. Irie. I like that. You want to come back to my place later?” Aaron said. I hated the confidence in his voice. I hated that he thought he could just walk over here and talk to me like that, without really knowing who I was. I hated him, actually. As much as I don’t know him, I already hate him. I just hope the rest of the town isn’t like this.

David’s face held an expression of pure astonishment. He was completely speechless by this dick. I couldn’t stand either of them anymore. I stood up and glared at Aaron.

“Look, Aaron, I don’t know who you think are, and I actually don’t give a shit. But if you had any sense in that fucked up brain of yours, you’d get the fuck away and leave me alone. I have a boyfriend; you would have known that had you just shut that mouth of yours, so just leave me the fuck alone. Do you understand?” I spat at him, causing half the bar to look our way. Aaron was gaping at me.

“David, I’ll be outside.” I told him in a hushed tone. I didn’t wait long though, David was right behind me. We both climbed into the car and began driving. He kept glancing over at me, until I finally exclaimed, “What?!”

David began to laugh. “Oh my god, Irie, that was so fucking cool. No one has ever really told off Aaron like that, and oh my god…” His laughs became too much for him to speak. I found myself laughing along with him.

We stumbled in the door, still chuckling. Cameron stared at us, his eyebrows wrinkled. “Um, are you guys high or something? Oh, David, please tell me you didn’t get Irie high.”

David stopped laughing and shook his head, although a grin was still visible on his face. “You know that guy from high school, Aaron? Blonde-haired football player?”

“Let me guess, she tried to fuck him?” Eric interrupted.

“No! Well anyways, he comes over and tries hitting on Irie, right? She tries ignoring him, but then he goes and asks her to go back to his house, to fuck probably. And so she stands up, getting the attention of the whole bar and says,” David paused to start laughing. I bit my lip so I wouldn’t even start.

“And she says ‘if you had any sense in that fucked up brain of yours, you’d get the fuck away and leave me alone.’ Then she tells him she has a boyfriend and to shut his fucking mouth and leave her the fuck alone, all while fixing him with the scariest glare I’d ever seen and finishes with a ‘Do you understand?’”

“Then she walks out of the bar, leaving Aaron completely speechless! Oh, you should have been there! It was priceless!” David finishes, giving me a light pat on the back. I blushed and looked down, trying to avoid Cameron’s eyes. However, he stood up with a slight groan and walked over to me.

He gently held my chin in his hand, forcing me to look him in the eyes. I find myself doing so, and to my surprise, there’s nothing but…love in them. Cameron grins and kisses me. “You’re awesome, Irie.” He told me, leaning his forehead against mine. I smile back at him.
♠ ♠ ♠
I actually had a hard time figuring out what to write for this chapter, but I finished it. I didn't really know what else to say to the Aaron kid, so yeah, that was it. I thought it was pretty funny, though, how David explained it. xD

I feel bad for making Eric such a dick in this story. He's such a cutie otherwise c:

title from;; Where Dreams Go To Die
It's a really pretty song. Slower than their usual.

Please read: For the next three weeks, I'm going on a vacation and won't be able to update or write. So you probably won't get an update again until late July. Sorry :(