Can I catch your eye Tonight a Short Stack Fan Fiction

Chapter 1: Alone

My whole body had gone completely numb. My fingers, my toes, my legs. I couldn't feel anything, not even the jaggered looking rocks I was so desperately trying to cling too. Nothing helped. My fingers slipped everytime and I was pulled back into the watery fortress of the ocean. I had never been adventurous, or brave, but today was different, today was painful. Today was the day I had finally taken that one step further, that one step into the deapth of love.

But why love when all the people you'd once loved are gone?, why hope you could love again?.I never understood the pain one felt when half of them was gone. I have always seen the cup half full. But today I finally understood, I understood how it felt to live your life without hope, without peace; just completely alone.
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This chapterrs really short but as you read on the chapters get alot bigger :)