Can I catch your eye Tonight a Short Stack Fan Fiction

Chapter10:Andy's pov

I never ask 'Tammy what she's thinking. Sometimes even I can't controll my emotions when she does. Life for us never was easy, and sometimes yeah we had to run away. But if there was anything I would want her to no is that I'd never let her go even if she was falling. I would fall too.

We decided to go shopping. A task that was easy enough but still took my mind off everything else. Sometimes I couldn't help but stare at Tammy. She was honestly the most gorgeous person I'd ever seen, the way her eyes lit up when she was excited, the way she said things. Everything about her was different then any other person I'd known. To sum her up. She Is perfect.

We decided to just go grocery shopping and get some breakfast on the way. We ordered fish and chips and sat outside eating infront of the ocean. I stared at her the whole time, she looked peaceful but I knew she was hurting inside. I could always tell when she was hurting. We threw our rubbish away walked down the road to a small grocery store. I looked around for a while then grabbed a basket. Tammy seemed to be talking to someone so I kept looking and got some stuff for dinner.

"I'm coming home, I'm coming, I'm coming home I'm coming." Sweet Decemeber started playing and I was saddly reminded of my brother and Shaun. I hadn't seen them in what must be a month, they didn't even know where I was. No one did. I wnated to see them so bad, I wanted to let them know I was alright and happy.. it was too dangerous.

I looked over at Tammy. She was staring at me cureously, I supposed she was wondering why I had stopped randomely in this isle staring at the floor, or she was checking my reaction to hearing Short Stack. She worried to much, but it was no flaw.

She smiled beautifully at me, something that made my heart stop and un-settled my breathing. I smiled back, hopefully not looking like a star struck teenager. Her smile turned into a worried look of panic and she started screaming. I looked down, blood was running down mt shirt and splashing on the ground. I fell to my knees and looked at Tammy one last time. She was so beautiful, so sweet, so in love. So mine.