Can I catch your eye Tonight a Short Stack Fan Fiction

Chapter11part 1: Tammy's POV

I stared in horror as Andy fell numbly to the floor. He looked up at me and smiled, as blood gushed from his mouth.

I ran forwards and took him in my arms and screamed as Andy lay dying in my lap. The shop keeper had called an ambulance and I could hear it screaching down the street.Medics came running in, and took Andy from me.

I looked around. Why had he chosen this place? Why had he chosen Andy?

The medics loaded Andy inside the ambulance and I quickely got inside. I looked at him, he was shaking and making pained moans. I couldn't handle loosing him. I took his blood drenched hands in mine and he squeezed them tightly. I looked into his eyes.

"I'm..... scared.." he said between pained screams. I couldn't say anything to that, but I knew that I had to call Bradie and Shaun. He needed them too.

The ambulance pulled up infront of the hospital and they unloaded Andy, I tried to follow but they held me back and said there was nothing I could do now. I sat down inside the waiting room for half an hour, then I decied to make a call. I stood and walked to the pay phone and put in some coins. I diled the farmiliar number and listened to the rining until he answered.


" Shaun... its Tammy.. I...." he cut me off before I could say another word.

" Why havn't you guys called? Bradies going crazy.... why are you calling?" his questions could of gone on forever.

" Shaun... Stop!.. I need to tell you something."

"What? is it Andy?" his voice filled with worry and I found muself wondering if I should tell him.

" Andy's ummm hes in te hospital, he was shot and ... and I don't know if hes going to make it." Tears flooded down my face and there was silence on the other line.

"I um.. we'll be there soon." the phone went dead.